Iceberg Casualties – Ship Names starting with “H, I & J”

Clicking on the vessel name if hyperlinked will open a pdf document giving all the information known about the vessel and the collision event. The format is slightly distorted in some places, unfortunately, but should not be a problem. Clicking on the hyperlinks in the Image column will open any relevant images of the ship and in some cases an ice chart showing the location of the collision; S = image or illustration of the ship, D = image taken of around the time of the accident or damage to the vessel, C = ice chart showing a the approximate conditions at the time.

Name of VesselVessel TypeDateGeographic. AreaLat N (deg.min)Long W (deg.min)Scenario DescriptionDamage SeverityFatalities (Y/N/U)Injuries (Y/N/U)Iceberg Size/Multi-YearImage
H.M. Kaiser M/V Dragger11-Mar-1982Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches54.0656.06UnknownHoleUnknownUnknownUnknown
Halse15 Steamship30-Jun-1927Grand Banks47.3048.47Direct ImpactHoleUnknownUnknownUnknownT1
Hampshire Steamship1-Aug-1893Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches51.2656.40Direct ImpactHoleUnknownUnknownUnknown
Hanna Bark6-Aug-1890Grand Banks48.0046.40Direct ImpactCrushedUnknownUnknownUnknown
Hannah Snow9-Jun-1874Grand Banks44.5648.10Direct ImpactCracksUnknownUnknownUnknown
Hans Hedtoft M/S Cargo Passenger30-Jan-1959South Greenland Waters59.3043.00Glancing BlowSinkingYesUnknownUnknownS1 D1 C1
Happy Return Sailing Ship10-Jul-1686Hudson Strait61.2568.00UnknownSinkingUnknownUnknownUnknown
Harmony SS Cargo/ Passenger28-Jul-1895Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches53.0555.10UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownS1
Harp, CCGS Cutter20-Jun-1997Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches49.4754.36UnknownDentingNoUnknownBergy bitS1
Harry Lewis12 Schooner30-May-1918Grand Banks47.0852.45Direct ImpactCrushedUnconfirmedUnknownUnknown
Hartside13 Steam Cargo13-Jun-1920Grand Banks46.0648.39Striking concealed growler/bergy bit in wavesPunctureUnknownUnknownGrowler
Hartville Steam Cargo11-Mar-1887Grand Banks43.2047.00Direct ImpactCrushedUnknownUnknownLarge
Harvester Bark20-Sep-1884Grand Banks37.0052.17Direct ImpactCracksUnknownUnknownUnknown
Hatasu Steam Schooner1-Jun-1899Grand Banks46.1548.13Direct ImpactCrushedUnknownUnknownGrowler
Havjarl M/V Cargo03-Feb-1973Grand Banks45.4846.23UnknownUnknownNoNoUnknownS1 C1
Hedwig9 Steam Schooner26-Jul-1903Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches51.2556.45Direct ImpactPunctureUnknownUnknownUnknownT1
Hegira Steam Schooner25-Aug-1922Grand Banks42.3050.00Glancing BlowUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown
Henrietta Bark20-May-1874Grand Banks45.0050.00UnknownSinkingNoUnknownUnknown
Henry Palmer Bark18-Jul-1875Grand Banks46.0051.00Glancing BlowCracksUnknownUnknownLarge
Hibernian SS Passenger8-Jul-1890Grand Banks47.4346.42UnknownDentingUnknownUnknownUnknown
Highlander11HMS Destroyer15 April 1945Grand Banks45.3048.27Direct impactCrushedNoNoGrowlerS1 D1 T1 T2 T3
Hither-wood14 SS Cargo27-Jul-1926Grand Banks47.2752.31UnknownPunctureUnknownUnknownUnknownS1 T1
Hohen-stauffen SS Passenger18-Jun-1884Grand Banks41.3148.28Direct ImpactPunctureUnknownUnknownBergy bitS1
Hope (I)1Sailing Ship22 May 1833ImpactSinking
Hope Sailing Ship25-Mar-1837Grand Banks46.0051.00UnknownSinkingNoUnknownUnknown
Horn Head Steam Schooner1-Sep-1893Grand Banks45.1840.00UnknownSinkingYesUnknownUnknown
Hubert Gaucher M/V Product Tanker31-Aug-1991Baffin Bay Area76.4289.44Striking concealed growler/bergy bit in field iceCracksUnknownUnknownMulti-YearS1 D1 D2 C1
Hudson, CSS Scientific Ship11-Sep-1993South Greenland Waters68.3232.31Striking concealed growler/bergy bit in field iceHoleNoNoBergy bitS1 C1
Hugo2 Steam Schooner05-May-1927Labrador Sea and Davis Strait59.3052.00UnknownSinkingYesUnknownUnknownS1
Humboldt SS Cargo/ Passenger01-Sep-1905Alaskan Waters58.20134.27Direct ImpactHoleUnknownUnknownUnknown
Huntcliff Snow17-May-1845Grand Banks45.2848.00Direct ImpactCrushedUnknownUnknownUnknown
Hurworth Screw Schooner29-Aug-1880Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches51.3056.30Direct ImpactCrushedYesUnknownVery Large
Iceland 210 Steam Sealing Vessel11-Mar-1901Grand Banks48.0052.30Direct ImpactHoleNoYesUnknownT1
Iceland 13 Steam Sealing Vessel1896Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches50.2154.09UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown
Iliade Brig9-Jul-1874Grand Banks46.0647.51UnknownSinkingNoUnknownUnknown
Imogene Steam Sealing/ Cargo Vessel24-Jun-1935Grand Banks49.0252.56Striking concealed growler/bergy bit in wavesHoleUnknownUnknownGrowlerS1
India Steam Brig25-May-1882Grand Banks44.4544.52Glancing BlowHoleNoNoLargeT1
Innerton Steam Cargo02-Jun-1926Grand Banks42.0849.15Direct ImpactCrushedNoNoSmallS1 T1
Intrepid, HMS Steam Discovery Sloop27-Aug-1851Baffin Bay Area76.0080.00Vessel drifts upon icebergDentingUnknownUnknownUnknownS1
Intrinsic Bark19-May-1835Gulf of St. Lawrence and South47.2359.17Direct ImpactCracksYesUnknownUnknown
Iowa (I) Power Fishing Schooner08-Nov-1926Alaskan Waters56.51133.00Direct ImpactHoleUnknownUnknownUnknown
Iowa (II) SS Cargo/ Passenger22-Feb-1891Grand Banks46.2945.54UnknownSinkingNoUnknownUnknown
Iris Brig25-Apr-1825Grand Banks43.0048.00UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown
Isabella Sailing Ship8-May-1841Grand Banks44.0248.45Direct ImpactSinkingYesUnknownUnknown
Isabelle Wilson Schooner17-Jun-1885Grand Banks47.5052.28Direct ImpactCracksUnknownUnknownUnknown
Islander SS Cargo/ Passenger15-Aug-1901Alaskan Waters58.15134.30Direct ImpactSinkingYesUnknownUnknownS1 S2 D1 C1
Ivory Star M/V Bulk Carrier01-Jul-1974Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches51.2557.00Direct ImpactLarge holeNoNoSmallD1 D2 D3 D4 D5 C1
Jaguar4 M/V Bulk Carrier?27-Apr-1979Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches52.0754.53UnknownHoleUnknownUnknownSmall
James Audus Brig22-Apr-1949Grand Banks46.0048.00Direct ImpactCrushedUnknownUnknownUnknown
Jason Steamship1-May-1882Grand Banks47.0046.00Direct ImpactLarge holeUnknownUnknownGrowler
Jennie & Ada Smith16 Schooner01-Aug-1933Grand Banks48.3153.00Direct ImpactCracksNoNoUnknownT1 T2
Jennie Florence Schooner23-Jun-1949Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches51.2055.36Iceberg drifts upon vesselUnknownNoNoUnknown
Jeranos7 Steam Cargo9-May-1885Grand Banks45.2048.40Direct ImpactHoleUnknownUnknownUnknown
Jessie Hoyt Schooner5-Aug-1880Grand Banks46.4552.44Direct ImpactCracksUnknownUnknownUnknown
John Sailing Ship7-Oct-1836Grand Banks45.0040.00Direct ImpactCracksUnknownUnknownUnknown
John A. Brown5M/V Tanker5-June-1943Grand Banks45.0448.33UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownS1 C1
John Abbott Bark6-May-1874Grand Banks47.0048.00Direct ImpactCracksUnknownUnknownUnknown
John Bright Steam Schooner1-Jul-1899Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches51.3356.34Direct ImpactCrushedUnknownUnknownGrowler
John Rutledge8 Packet Ship20-Feb-1856Grand Banks45.3045.56Direct ImpactSinkingYesUnknownGrowlerT1 S1
John Wise6Liberty Ship (Convoy HX 247)14 July 1943Grand Banks48.1346.20HoleS1 T1 T2

1. New addition. From London to Quebec, struck a berg and foundered; crew saved.
2. Went missing on voyage from Ivigtut (Greenland) for Copenhagen. Assumed at the time to have been lost with 23 persons aboard due to collision with an iceberg but there was never any proof.
3. Actual date in 1896 unknown.
4. No particulars for this vessel except that the Mariners Weather Log for March/April Vol.23 states that the Jaguar was a 30,560 ton vessel and hit a small berg in the Strait of Belle Isle.
5.  In Convoy HX 242, New York – Halifax Liverpool in dense fog at 6 knots iceberg slid down between the ship columns encountering first the Nicania, the 3rd ship in column 11, doing serious damage almost immediately followed by collision with the John A. Brown, the 4th ship in line, doing lesser damage. The collisions occurred at 2306 GMT on June 5 so about 2000 local time. The Nicania returned with escort to St. John’s and the John A. Brown continued. See starting page 58 for further details and also and following images to No. 531.
6. Forehold flooded and continued (towed) the voyage according to and . The convoy naval reports and signals available at make no mention of an incident with the John Wise, or the tow, or an unusual danger from the icebergs. Unfortunately, the records do not contain the Commodore’s Narrative which the warsailor’s web site refers to. The actual date and position given in the table above is a best approximation. Plot of convoy’s track available at
7. Collision position given in Morning Chronicle and Commercial and Shipping Gazette, 14 May 1885, p.3 col.4
8. See also
9. A German steamer of 2358 tons. Further particulars can be found at
10. Collision appears to have been closer to ‘home’ than reflected in the pdf file and the position has been updated in the above table.
11. New addition (21 Apr 2023). Ocean escort B2 of Convoy ON 294 Liverpool to New York 1 – 20 April, 1945 struck what was likely a growler fracturing stem which was turned back to a height of 4 feet above waterline flooding forepeak and ASDIC compartments. Resorted to steaming stern first to be eventually towed by HM Rescue Tug Tenacity to Bay Bulls , Newfoundland for repairs with final repairs at St. John’s. “Stem [piece?] and plates and frames require renewal from stem to No.27 station below waterline. Approximate time required for repairs 6 weeks.” International Ice Patrols were suspended during the war but patrols did continue militarily and were published by the IIP after the war. The ice conditions for the month can be viewed at . The Highlander had a displacement of 1,350 tons and was commissioned in 1940. Further particulars can be found at . Images T1, T2 and T3 are images 2001, 2004 and 1932 from Royal Canadian Navy : Convoy Reports of Proceedings, 1939-1945 Reel 5526 at
12. (Updated info as of 21 Dec 2023). From St. John’s to Burin schooner Harry Lewis struck an iceberg just a few hours after leaving port on May 30. Was towed into Cape Broyle by whaler Hawk with jibboom, bowsprit and headgear all carried away and otherwise badly damaged. At this stage there is no mention of any casualties. Evening Advocate, 1 June 1918, p.3 col. 4; Daily News, 3 June 1918 p.5 col. 3. The schooner was evidently repaired and back at sea within a reasonable time for it rescued the crew of the schooner Elsie Porter sunk by a German submarine at the end of August (Evening Telegram, 3 Sep., p.5 cols. 3-4). Harry Lewis, however, met its end just a short time later when it went ashore on St. Pierre on October 30th. It was 79 tons gross and owned by Mr. P. Burton of Fortune (St. John’s Daily Star, 3 Nov., p.10 col. 3).
13. (Updated info as of 4 Jan 2024). SS Hartside 12 days out from Avonmouth in ballast for Port au Port struck a growler damaging bow plates and leaking. Arrived St. John’s 23 June, went into drydock for new plates and paint 5 July and left 24th for Port au Port then Botwood. Evening Telegram, 24 June 1920, p.6 col. 3, and also 13 & 23 June.
14. Updated with S1 and T1 16 Feb 2024. Unfortunately one of the newspaper reports in T1 is not very legible.
15. Date amended according to newspaper reports in T1 added 19 Feb 2024.
16. Updated 2 Apr 2024 with T1 and T2. Actual name of vessels appears to be just Jeannie and Ada with Smith being the master. Collision appears to have been fairly close to Little Catalina so position in table above has been amended accordingly. The 30 Aug issue of the Daily News, p.3 col.6 states that there were some injuries, but unclear if this was just a case of misreporting.