Iceberg Casualties – Ship Names starting with “Q & R”

Clicking on the vessel name if hyperlinked will open a pdf document giving all the information known about the vessel and the collision event. The format is slightly distorted in some places, unfortunately, but should not be a problem. Clicking on the hyperlinks in the Image column will open any relevant images of the ship and in some cases an ice chart showing the location of the collision; S = image or illustration of the ship, D = image taken of around the time of the accident or damage to the vessel, C = ice chart showing a the approximate conditions at the time, T = additional information.

Name of VesselVessel TypeDateGeographic. AreaLat N (deg.min)Long W (deg.min)Scenario DescriptionDamage SeverityFatalities (Y/N/U)Injuries (Y/N/U)Iceberg Size/Multi-YearImage
Queen Adelaide Sailing Vessel5-Jun-1832Grand Banks43.5046.30Direct ImpactCracksUnknownUnknownUnknown
Queens-garth M/V Ore Carrier06-May-1960Grand Banks46.0452.25Direct ImpactLarge holeUnknownUnknownUnknownS1 C1
Queen of the North11Schooner?9-July-1893Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches51.3255.26Direct impactSinkingNoNoSmallT1
R.W. Merriam Bark10-May-1885Grand Banks43.3049.20Direct ImpactAbandonedNoUnknownLarge
Radio Halibut Schooner23-Aug-1923Alaskan Waters58.10136.38Striking concealed growler/bergy bit in wavesPunctureNoUnknownGrowler
Raleigh, HMS13 Heavy Cruiser08-Aug-1922Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches51.2856.56Collision with other object avoiding an icebergLarge holeYesUnknownUnknownS1 D1 T1
Random SS Cargo/ Passenger22-Jul-1961Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches50.5655.49Glancing BlowPunctureUnknownUnknownSmallS1
Random Princess1 Fishing Vessel30-May-1983Grand Banks47.3452.40UnknownCrushedUnknownUnknownUnknown
Ranzani2 SS Cargo23-May-1881Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches49.5054.30UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown
Rare Earth3Pleasure Vessel1-Jan-1984Alaskan Waters60.57147.06ImpactSinkingUnknownUnknownUnknown
Ratata Bark1-May-1892Gulf of St. Lawrence and South47.3460.20Direct ImpactDentingUnknownUnknownUnknownS1
Rattray Head M/V Cargo12-Aug-1972Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches51.4054.31UnknownUnknownNoNoUnknownS1 C1 C2
Raymonde4 Fishing Schooner15-May-1935Grand Banks43.0049.00Direct ImpactSinkingUnknownUnknownGrowler
Reduta Ordona M/V Bulk Carrier21-Jul-1996Hudson Strait61.2866.38UnknownLarge holeNoUnknownBergy bitS1 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 C1 C2
Regulus5 SS Cargo22-Jul-1909Grand Banks46.4052.50Direct ImpactCrushedUnknownUnknownLargeS1 T1
Resolven6 Brig27-Aug-1884Grand Banks48.3053.02Direct ImpactAbandonedYesUnknownUnknownS1 T1 T2 T3
Retrieve Brig11-Sep-1820Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches53.3056.00Striking projectionPunctureNoNoSmall
Reuben J. Hart7 Schooner8-Jun-1881Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches50.1955.18UnknownSinkingNoUnknownUnknown
Reward Brig28-Apr-1847Grand Banks44.2747.10UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown
Rhaetia SS Passenger7-Feb-1885Grand Banks47.0943.23Glancing BlowUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownS1
Richard Greaves12Schooner~25-July-1900Labrador Sea and Davis Strait53.3555.10Direct ImpactPunctureNoNoSmallT1
Rio Caima8 M/V Fishing Schooner01-Sep-1952Labrador Sea and Davis Strait62.0060.00UnknownSinkingUnknownUnknownUnknown
Robertsfors Bark09-May-1907Grand Banks46.0649.03UnknownPunctureUnknownUnknownUnknownS1
Rodney Charlene9 M/V Trawler
22-Jun-1994Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches50.0656.34UnknownSinkingNoUnknownUnknown
Rogate Bark1-Jul-1875Grand Banks46.0044.00UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown
Rose (I) Sailing Vessel14-May-1820Grand Banks44.1050.15Direct ImpactCrushedUnknownUnknownUnknown
Rose (II) Fishing Schooner17-Jun-1894Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches50.2556.00UnknownSinkingYesUnknownUnknownT1
Rose (III) Bark5-Jul-1856Grand Banks49.0046.50Direct ImpactAbandonedNoUnknownUnknownT1
Rose Brae Bark20-Apr-1875Grand Banks41.0047.00Direct ImpactSinkingNoUnknownUnknown
Rosecrans SS Tanker24-Jun-1903Alaskan Waters60.00146.00Direct ImpactLarge holeUnknownUnknownUnknownS1
Royal Arch Schooner25-Jun-1875Strait of Belle Isle and Approaches51.5854.56UnknownSinkingUnknownUnknownUnknown
Royal Edward SS Passenger22-May-1914Grand Banks48.0051.00Direct ImpactCrushedNoUnknownVery LargeS1
Royalist Whaling Ship15-Apr-1814Labrador Sea and Davis Strait61.0756.13UnknownSinkingYesUnknownUnknown
Runnymede Schooner4-Jun-1896Grand Banks47.2852.08UnknownHoleUnknownUnknownUnknown
Ruth Palmer10 25-Apr-1894Grand Banks46.0052.18UnknownSinkingUnknownUnknownUnknown
1. Position is given incorrectly in the associated pdf file.
2. May 23 – The steamer “”Ranzani”” sailed for Liverpool to-day with 1800 tons of copper ore. The day following she put back to this port, having struck an iceberg off Fogo sustaining damage to her bows, which is being repaired. Ship News “Port of Bett’s Cove. Arrived:- May 16, – Str. “Ranzani””. Cleared:- May 23 – Str. “Ranzani””, for Liverpool, 1800 tons copper. (
3. New addition, source , for further information.
4. Fishing schooner out of Gloucester, Mass., photo at: ; Page 102
5. Struck berg at 6:30 am just after rounding Cape Race in fog, from St. Lawrence. See also St. John’s Evening Telegram 24 July 1909 pg.7 at
6. See also and , though incorrect year. The position in the above table is approximate with the likely position perhaps a little further to the north-east at about 48.35N 52.52W.
7. Possibly a collision with a large pan of ice.
8. A Portuguese three masted wooden auxiliary 393 ton schooner built 1929.
9. Colonist, Volume XVII, Issue 1978, 12 October 1875, Page 2, Shipping Intelligence states “The steamer England arrived at Liverpool from New York, reported that, during the outward passage, on June 17th, lat. 44, long. 47 W., she fell in with and took in, tow the direlict barque Rogate. She towed her for 36 hours, and then, the hawser parting, she left her.”
10. Date of 25 April 1894 given in Lloyd’s Casualty Returns for 1894.
11. New addition (13 Feb 2023). No other details uncovered so far.
12. New addition (6 March 2023). Date and position approximate. An 119 ton wooden schooner listed with Lloyd’s, see for further particulars.
13. A well documented case and further details can be found on the Internet. That the HMS Raleigh was avoiding an iceberg was acknowledged and reported in T1 as an example. The final fatality count appears to be 12.