Ice Charts and Reports 1873

Below normal -1. (M).
Very little. (GR).
Northern ice at St. John’s arrive Feb 20, depart Apr 21. (GR).
At Ferryland, drift ice came along Apr 11 and disappeared next day. (JW in GR).
May 14th, ice extending from 4735’N to Wolf Island on the Labrador coast. Jun 20th, 150 vessels detained by ice at Seldom-come-by. Large bodies of ice in Notre Dame Bay and the north. Kirpon blocked until the 18th of July. Large bergs in Conception Bay. (GR). Ice delayed in the north of Newfoundland. (CH in GR).


Feb 9 The brig “Ottawa” was adrift in the ice at the head of the Bay of Fundy. (LL).


Mar 4 A north east wind blocked the harbour with ice the last few days. (Newf.).
Mar 6 “Ottawa”, has been adrift in the ice at the head of Bay of Fundy, and will endeavour to take her to St. John’s. (LL).
Mar 11 “Ocean Lily”, from Cape Canso to Halifax, passed through large quantities of drift ice. (LL).
Mar 17 SS “Eagle” arrive here ( ? St. John’s ?) from the seal fishery, has 33,000 seals. – most of steamers are north of Cape John. (LL).


Apr — Schooner “Mary Grace” of St. John’s with supplies for the seal fisheries was crushed by the ice in Trinity Bay in April; crew saved. (LL).
Apr 2 SS “Pembroke” passed 2 bergs at 4627’N 4804’W. No other ice is mentioned except for lost ship on way to Gloucester. Ships’ logs crossing Banks make no mention of ice except for above. (NYMR).
Apr 12 The “Kate”, troopship, from Liverpool to New York 46N 49W passed a number of bergs. She was bound for Sydney, CB, but on arriving off that port on the 17th, found the harbour and coast for 12m blocked with ice. (LL).
Apr 15 North easterly winds blocking the harbour with ice again. (Newf.).
Apr 15 SS “Deutshland”, from Bremen to New York, passed; when on the Banks, 22 small icebergs, (LL).
Apr 15 SS “Franklin”, from Stettin to New York, passed an iceberg, 80 feet high, in 45N, 47W. (LL).
Apr 19 “Archie” (brig), from St. John NB to Sydney CB, reported very large quantities of ice on the coast, reaching as far as Beaver harbour. (LL).
Apr 21 SS “Glamorgan”, from Cardiff to New York, reports having passed an iceberg at 42N, 50W. (LL).
Apr 24 SS “Nestorian”, from Halifax to Liverpool, reports having passed a large iceberg, at 45N, 51W. (LL).
May 7 SS ” Batavia” from New York to Liverpool 45N 48W passed some ice. (LL).
May 12 The brigantine “Charlotte” from Sydney was abandoned in the ice near Quidividi and brought in by the SS “Leopard” as a prize. (Newf.).
May 16 Issue: The “Nestorian” saw no ice on approaching the coast, though some in harbour. Also: business of spring much held up by ice hanging on the coast and blocking harbours.
May 16 Issue: “Polaris'” crew picked up off ice in 5335’N 5510’W by “Tigress”, near Wolf Is., 40m from land on Apr 30. (PL).
May 16 SS “Pembroke” from Cardiff to New York 46N 50W passed a berg. (LL).
May 19 The “Sappho” from Liverpool to Boston 46N 46W passed a large berg and several small ones. (LL).
May 22 U.S. War Steamer “Frolic” arrived to take home the “Polaris” party. (Newf.).
May 26 “Nereid”, from Liverpool to Boston, passed numerous icebergs, and a large quantity of field ice in 48N, 49W. (LL).
May 29 SS “Austrian” arrived from Liverpool having left May 20 and being delayed over 24 hours by ice and fog. (Newf.).
Jun 3 SS “Palmyra” from Boston to Liverpool 45N 53W passed a large berg. (LL).
Dec 12 The “Glencoe” from Harbour Grace to Waterford with herrings, came in contact with an iceberg and became a total loss. (LL).
“Hecla” lost during spring voyage. (#511).
Sailing sealer “Good Intent” lost at seal fishery. (NW).