Gulf Ice Charts 1960


Jan 2 The first ship to arrive in the port of Charlottetown in 1960 was the tanker “Imperial Quebec” from Imperoyal, N.S. after an uneventful trip during which the ship encountered little or no obstacles in the way of ice. (Pat 2 Jan p3 c1)
Jan 7 With the decided drop in temperature following last weekend’s mild weather, it appears that the shipping season in the port of Charlottetown has been brought to a halt until spring break up. (Pat 7 Jan p3 c1)




Apr 27 The motor vessel “Fergus” arrived to begin her weekly trip of the season to St. John’s, Newfoundland. (Pat 27 Apr p3 c1)
Apr 28 The icebreaking supply ship was scheduled to sail at 2 p.m. today to lay the channel buoys in the harbours of Charlottetown and Pictou, N.S. (Pat 28 Apr p3 c1)
Apr 29 The Summerside shipping season opened yesterday afternoon with the arrival of the motor vessel, “Maid of Clare” from the Magdelene Islands. (Pat 29 Apr p3 c4)