Gulf Ice Charts 1870

1870 Season

No Northern ice at Bonne Bay this year. (GR p.85)
No mention of ice at Burgeo this year. (GR p.94)

Dec 27 Local ice formed Bonne Bay. (GR p.85)

Jan 12 The steamer “Princess of Wales,” left yesterday morning for Pictou, but owing to a large tract of floating ice, she was unable to proceed beyond Government [Governors] Island. She returned about 10 o’clock and in all probability will go into winter quarters in this harbour. The “Princess” reports the schr “Mary,” from Pictou, ice bound between Government Island and Point Prim. The 12 day of January closes the navigation for the remainder of the winter. The mails were dispatched, shortly after the return of the “Princess,” via Cape Traverse, the usual winter route. (AR 18/01/1870 p3 #1)
Jan 19 Regatta in Georgetown, open water, no ice on shore. (Pat 11 Jan 1882 p3#1)
Jan 22 Local ice formed Bay of Islands. (GR p.88)

Mar 13 Vessels sailed to Anticosti and saw no ice. (GR p.31)
Mar 25 Open season in Gulf. (GR p.33)
Mar 28 Schooner “Forward” returned from the Gulf having found no ice. (GR p.94)

Apr 3 Schooner “Ready” of Liverpool, NS bound for the seal fishery was totally lost in the ice at St.Paul’s Is. [this is from an issue in LL 1871 but presumably referring to this year]. (LL).
Apr 3 Local ice cleared Bonne Bay. (GR p.85)
Apr 10 Seals taken in Straits [Cabot]. (GR p.33)
Apr 29 Quebec: SS “Ottawa” arrived today from the Clyde, saw no ice. (LL).

May 5 Local ice cleared Bay of Islands. (GR p.88)
May 13 Quebec: The “Diver” arrived from Dalhousie detained 4 days by icebergs. (LL)