Gulf Ice Charts 1860

1860 Season

Nov 23 to 29 Ships entered Charlottetown Harbour from Halifax, Miramichi, Pictou, Pugwash and Gloucester, U.S. between November 23 to the 29. (Ex 3 Dec p3 c3)

Dec 17 The weather during the present fall has been the mildest ever experienced in Miramichi. The ice has been gradually accumulating in our river since Thursday. (Ex 17 Dec p3 c2)

Feb 29 Halifax: Brigt “Pearl,” Furlong, hence for St. John, Nfld., returned to this port on Wednesday last, leaky; had been in the ice. The “Pearl” has made two attempts to reach St. Johns, but failed, in consequence of the ice on the coast. (NS 05/03/1860 p7)

Mar 23 The Islander of the 23d inst says, “the ice in the port of Charlottetown is fast melting away and breaking up, and should the present unusual weather continue, in less than a week the harbor will be pretty clear of ice.” (NS 02/04/1860 p2#4)
Mar 24 The Cape Breton News of the 24th [Saturday] last says: The weather, since Thursday last, has been unusually fine, with scarcely any frost during the night. The harbor is clear of ice as far as Point Edward; and what remains of it between that point and the town is rapidly becoming unsafe. We understand from a friend at Plaister Cove, that on Tuesday last, the Strait of Canso, and the North Bay, were entirely free from ice; that two Schooners were in sight in the forenoon, that day, heading to the northward, against an adverse wind; and that three vessels had passed up through the Strait on the preceding day. The present indications of an uncommonly early spring are encouraging; and if the surmise, now so general hereabouts, that the Gulf ice has already passed by our Island, and has drifted away where the currents setting to the southward will control its future movements, be true, our common hopes on the subject will be well grounded. (NS 02/04/1860 p2#5)
Mar 31 The Protestant of the 31t ult., says about twenty vessels arrived at the port of Charlottetown the week previous, from Arichat, Pictou, etc. The harbor is now entirely clear of ice. NS 09/04/1860 p2#5)

Apr 28 Quebec: River and gulf now clear of ice. (LL)

May We learn from an exchange that the Gulf steamers are about resuming their trips for the season. The “Lady Head” leaves Quebec for Miramichi and Pictou on the 12th inst., and will continue to ply between these places once a fortnight. “Arabia” leaves Shediac on the 12th for Quebec, touching at intermediate ports in the Gulf, during the season. (NS 14/05/1860 p3#2)
May 16 Liverpool: SS “North Briton” at Quebec reported having passed through a large field of ice off St. Paul’s. (LL)