Gulf Ice Charts 1858

1858 Season

Dec 28 The navigation having now completely closed; we cannot expect to receive the mails more than once a week from the neighbouring continent until our Gulf shall be again relieved from its icy fetters. (Ex 28 Dec p2 c4)

Feb Capt. Sampson, steamer “Ospray “reports fell in with large quantities of ice in the passage to and from St. John’s NF and experienced severe cold – ship covered with ice. (AR 27/02/1858 p3 #3)

Mar 1 The steamer “America” arrived at Halifax on Saturday evening experienced heavy weather the whole passage; detained nine hours east of Cape Sable by ice. (Ex 1 Mar p3 c4)

Apr The brig “President”, fitted out at this port for the Seal Fishery, has been totally lost in the ice – crew saved. (AR 24/04/1858 p3 #2)

May 3 Arichat blocked up with ice a ship at Pirate’s Cove [Harbour?] reports large quantities of ice about 200m off land. (LL).