Gulf Ice Charts 1855

Jan 5 Two schooners from Halifax enter Charlottetown. (HG 10 Jan p3)
Jan 10 Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown Jan 10 – The weather- During a period of upward of thirty years the writer has never before seen the harbour open so late as the 8th Jan. It is perfectly well ascertained [?] that the different harbours in the island were formerly closed by ice at a much earlier period than they are at present day… (AR 20/01/1855 p2 #3)

Feb 23 Northern ice arrived at Gaultois. [Next occasion 1875 (GR p.99)] (GR p.99)

Mar Schr “ Good Intent”, from Halifax, has been driven ashore by the ice at Newfoundland. Vessel and cargo lost. Captain and crew saved. Captain is a passenger in the “Ospray.” Several other vessels have been lost in the ice.” (AR 10/03/1855 p3 #2)
Mar 27 SS “Union” 45°36’N 59°20’W ice was seen. (WCR).

Apr 22 Northern ice departed Gaultois. (GR p.99)

May “Capt. Corbin of Steamer “Ospray” reports saw much ice on the ice[sic].” (AR 05/05/1855 p3 #2)
May 23 Issue: The “Orbit” lost in the ice off Scutari [sic]. (SCL).