Gulf Ice Charts 1853

Jan 1 Schooner “Ann” and schooner “Sophronia” arrived Georgetown on the 1st inst. from Halifax. Schooner “Soxe Gotha’”, arrived off Charlottetown Harbour from St. John’s, Nfld. a few days since. The “Soxe Gotha” and “Echo” are now in the ice in Indian Cove. The continuance of the present beautiful spring like weather prevents ice from making in the Strait. (RG.C 10 Jan p2)
Jan 7 At Souris, Jan 7th schooner “Speed”, entered. (RG.C 17 Jan p3)
Jan 27 Schooner “Clydesdale” from Boston arrived Georgetown on the 27th inst. (RG.C 31 Jan p3)

Apr 12 Schooner Harmony from Pictou entered Charlottetown. (RG.C 18 Apr p3
Apr 13 Vessels from Canso and Arichat entered Charlottetown. (RG.C 18 Apr p3
Apr 16 Vessels from Liverpool, N.S. and Arichat entered Charlottetown. (RG.C 18 Apr p3
Apr 18 Vessel from Newfoundland entered Charlottetown. (RG.C 18 Apr p3)
Apr 24 Halifax, Quebec, April 24- arr. “Shannon”, Glasgow, 30 days – the first arrival from sea this season – saw no ice; 25 “John Dugdale”, via Halifax ; St. Lawrence, Liverpool, 32 days – detained in the ice off St. Paul’s, from 16th to 19th – saw no vessels but a few sealers. …” (NS 16/05/1853 p115 #5)

May 11 The western throat of the strait was rafted and broke up. Captain Henry Knight drifted from Anchor Point to Cape Norman during daylight. (GR p.30)