Gulf Ice Charts 1850

1850 Season

Dec 22 Pugwash, arrived. schrs “Conservative” , “Brothers” and brig “Anna”, from Halifax – the harbour being closed with ice, the inhabitants turned out and cut a passage for these to get in. (NS 07/01/1850 p3 #4)
Dec 26 Charlottetown, PEI, Dec 26th – The schooner “Unicorn”, arrived on Sunday afternoon in 10 days from St. John’s, Newfoundland. She experienced a terrible gale on Saturday might and was all the next day pressing between the ice in the Bay, but by perseverance got in the harbour and made hold of the Queen’s Wharf at sun set. (NS 07/01/1850 p3 #5)

Apr 10 “Great Britain” fell in with large quantities of very heavy ice between St. Paul’s and Anticosti, coasted along the edge of it 250 [?]m, then took it, and passed through 85m, got clear on the 14th, the South Point of Anticosti bearing NNE 10m. (LL)
Apr 14 Arrived, revenue schr “Daring”, from a cruise to the eastward – could not communicate with Sable Island in consequence of the ice. “NS 22/04/1850 p123 #5)
Apr 14 Arrived Sunday April 21 – Ship “Mic Mac”, 31 days from Greenock, has 4 cabin and 11 steerage passengers; reports saw no ice in the south passage ; sounded on the Grand Banks 7th inst. ; was in the longitude of Sable Island 14th. (NS 29/04/1850 p139 #1)
Apr 15 Navigation in St. Lawrence opened. (HH 03/05/1904 p7#5)
Apr 18 Arrived Thursday, April 18 – R. M. steamship “America”, Shannon, 12 days from Liverpool, G B to S. Cunard & Co.; experienced very rough weather; saw a good deal of ice on the Banks and inside of Sable Island. (NS 22/04/1850 p123 #5)
Apr 28 First steamer of season at Montreal. (HH 03/05/1904 p7#5)

May Pictou May 1 – “Mary Jane” “Three Brothers”, “Acadia,; “Mary Jane”, LeBlanc, “Chronicle”, reports an Am. brig from Portland for Pictou with a [?] cargo fast in the ice between Cape George ; Barque to W. Pryce and Sons, was 5 days in the ice – 11 day to Cape Canso. (NS 13/05/1850 p151 #2&3)
May The barque “Favourite” picked up the crew of the “Wilhelmina” of Aberdeen, lost in the ice. (QG #7282 18/05/1850 P2 C7b)
May 18 Barque “Ann” of Plymouth was sunk off the Magdalens, another in the Gulf. (SCL).
May 20 Ice off Scatterie, a vessel fast. (SCL).
May~25 Quebec: Various reports of vessels going down in the ice off St. Paul’s Is., Magdalens and in the gulf. (LL).