Gulf Ice Charts 1848

Jan 10 On Monday afternoon as two women were attempting to cross the Hillsborough River, and just as they were passing the end of Pownal wharf, the ice broke, and they plunged into the water. (Ex 15 Jan p3 c3)
Jan 17 An inquest was held on Monday (17th) on the body of Michael Sherry, who was found dead in the ice, at M’Kenzie’s Creek, York River. (Ex 22 Jan p3 c3)

Mar 8 The schooner “Lady Mary” from Demerara to St.John’s was lost in the ice in 45°30’N 59°W. Crew saved. (MPSG)
Mar 24 Launched on Friday, the 24th of March, from the shipyard of Mr. Andrew Coffin, St. Peter’s Bay, a very superior built vessel 155 tons, called the “Arrow”. This vessel was hauled three quarters of a mile on the ice, by the combined exertions of 150 horses. (Ex 3 Apr p3 c)

Apr Canso, Schr “Harriet”, from Halifax for Quebec, run afoul of bark “Alexina”, from Porto Rico for Quebec, and carried away her bowsprit. The “Harriet was forced by the ice. The “Alexina” received other damage and afterwards drove from her anchors and went ashore near Point Porcupine. (Since condemned) (NS 08/05/1848 p151 #2)
Apr 27 Arichat: The “Briand” from Jersey which arrived here 25th inst. reports having seen large fields of ice to the westward of the Banks of Newfoundland. The Gulf of St. Lawrence is filled with ice, and it is impossible to pass the Straits of Canso, they being filled with drift ice. (LL).
Apr 27 “Britannia” saw several vessels fast in the ice, sails furled, off St. Paul’s. (LL).

May 4 “Indus” from Hartlepool to Quebec came into contact with the ice ~30m SE by E of Scatterie and sank ~1 hour afterwards. Crew saved. (LL)
May 5 Schr “Vine”, Campbell, hence for P E Island came in contact with a cake of ice on the 5th inst in the Gut of Canso, and immediately filled with water and was then run on shore. Cargo was to be sold on Tuesday last. (NS 15/05/1848 p159 #3)
May 6 Brig __, from Hartlepool, G B for Quebec, out 40 days, struck the ice off Scatterie about the 6th inst, and sunk immediately [cf. “Indus” May 4]. (NS 29/05/1848 p175 #3)
May 20 “Mary” arrived Quebec from Liverpool with lower port bow started by ice and making much water. (LL).