Gulf Ice Charts 1845

1845 Season

Dec 24 Sailed from Three Rivers, on the 24 of December, 1844, the barque “Caithness-shire”. (PEI 4 Jan p3 c2)

Mar 22 Issue: Brigt “Eliza”Cann, master, belonging to Sydney, CB put into this port blown off within 60 miles of Sydney, 3 days in the ice. (The Spirit of the Times and the Cape Breton Free Press, 1845 from Early Cape Breton Newspapers 1992 p52)

Apr 26 The Schooner “Spray” belonging to Mr. D. Robinson, of New London, arrived here from Arichat, on Thursday night last, where she had been laid up during the Winter. The “Spray” could not make this port, and was obliged to winter off the Wood Islands. On the breaking up of the ice this spring, she was carried off in a large field of ice, and after drifting about a number of days, the crew – who were placed on board, some time previous, in anticipation of her moving off – abandoned her about 7 miles off Cape North on the 9th of April. (PEI 26 Apr p3 c3)

May 6 Brig “Royal William” at New York from St. John’s prevented from going into Sydney, CB by large quantities of ice and was fast in it for several days. (Newf.)
May 8 “The “Albion” struck an iceberg on the 8th inst. and carried away head, sprang mainmast, etc.” (NS 26/05/1845 p161 #2)
May 8 Arrived Brig “Albion”, Aberdeen, 54 days … struck an iceberg on the 8th May, carried away bowsprit, sprung foremast, etc.” (NS 26/05/1845 p167 #1)
May 21 Issue, from Quebec 15th: Brig “Canning” saw 20 bergs on the south side of the Banks of Newfoundland, all within 50m. The “Safeguard” saw a large field of ice stretching from the Bird Is. to Newfoundland from which several vessels were manoeuvring to escape. (SCL).