Gulf Ice Charts 1827

Dec Portsmouth, January 16. The Quebec Packet has arrived from Quebec. On the 16th ultimo, in coming down the river, she was beset with ice, and continued running through large fields of it for 150 miles which has injured her considerably about the bows. On the 23rd, she experienced very bad weather, and was obliged to throw part of her cargo overboard. On the 14th instant, she experienced a heavy gale from north northeast. She has been supplied with a chain and will proceed tomorrow for London. Two of the hands were lost overboard on the passage. (QM #23, P136 Tuesday 20 Mar 1827)
Dec 5 Ship arrivals: Halifax, Dec 2; Arichat, Nov 30; Plymouth, Dec 4 (PEIR 2 Dec p3 c2)
Dec 19 Ship arrivals: as late of Dec 16 from Plymouth. (PEIR 19 Dec p3 c3&4)
Dec 20 “Quebec Custom House … “ The navigation was quite open to the 20th ult on which day the last vessel in port sailed for Liverpool.” (NS 04/01/1827 p7 #3)Dec 26 The brig “Dungallon” bound for Liverpool, is fast in the ice. (PEIR 26 Dec p3 c3)

Jan 2 The weather during the past week has exhibited itself to us under every variety of aspect – frost, snow, rain and sunshine. Wednesday it blew with great violence from the SW accompanied with snow. The swell of the sea made numerous large fissures in the ice which soon after began to break up. The appearance of the ice floating about the rivers, with here and there a patch of snow, are almost the only traces of winter now discernable in this quarter. On Sunday, Mr. Smith returned from the Wood Islands, being unable to cross to Pictou with the mails, owing to the Strait being full of soft drift ice. (PEIR 2 Jan p3 c3)
Jan 9 Mr. Smith left town with the mails on Thursday for the Wood Islands, to make another attempt to cross from thence to Pictou. The master of the “Jessie” which touched at Pictou, reports that they found the strait clear of ice. (PEIR 9 Jan p3 c4)
Jan 22 A messenger… Wood Islands… Mr. Smith was still there, and will not be able to proceed without a thaw to break up the thin ice. Mr. Smith was preparing to attempt the rescue of two young men belonging to Point Prim who were blown off on some loose ice from that place on Saturday. (PEIR 23 Jan p3 c4)

Feb 6 The mail courier arrived here on Saturday evening from Pictou reached Pictou on Tuesday after being out one night among the ice. He made a very short stay there but did not reach the Wood Islands on his return until Friday evening. (PEIR 6 Feb p3 c3)

Mar 6 The mails for Pictou…from the fineness of the weather and the improved state of the ice after the late thaws, we anticipate the quick return of the courier. (PEIR p3 c3)

Apr 3 During the past week in consequence of the insecure state of the ice…horse plunged into the ice… horse and sleigh found floating in the ice next morning. (PEIR 3 Apr p3 c3 & 4)
Apr 10 Now almost every trace of winter has vanished. (PEIR 10 Apr p3 c3)
Apr 17 The straits are said to be clear of ice. (PEIR 17 Apr p3 c3)