Gulf Ice Charts 1824

1824 Season

Dec 1 Ships entered Charlottetown from: Halifax on the 1, 2, and 5 of Dec; Mirimachie (sic) on the 3 of Dec; and Arichat on the 2, 3, and 4 of Dec. (PEIR 6 Dec p3 c2)
Dec 4 Packet boat arrived on Dec 4 from Pictou. (PEIR 6 Dec p3 c1)
Dec 20 Several ships entered Charlottetown port from: Halifax on the 6, 9, 16 of Dec; St. John’s on the 8, 17, 19 of Dec; Mirimachie on the 10 of Dec; and Arichat on the 17 and 19 of Dec. (PEIR 20 Dec p3 c1)

Jan 24 Issue: The carrier of the mail has not been able to make progress further than Wood Islands where we understand he will be obliged to wait for a thaw before he can proceed across the Strait on the ice to Pictou. (PEIR 24 Jan p3 c1)

Feb 16 We have never witnessed at this season of the year such fine moderate weather, it is usual about this time to have blustering storms and deep falls of snow, instead of which we have the appearance of Spring and the month of April, the ice has become very weak and broken up in many places. Mr. Smith, the Courier, proceeded on the 16th inst. to the Wood Islands, and made an attempt to pass over the Strait to Pictou, but found the ice so broken up and adrift that it was utterly impracticable to make any progress through it, and he returned to town. (PEIR 21 Feb p3 c2)

Apr 19 (from Quebec): The lake ice made its appearance on Thursday last, it has now all passed and the river perfectly clear. (LL)

May 3 (from Quebec): The “Europa” from London arrived 1st reports that the Gulf and River are clear of ice. (LL).