Charts 1940


Jan 4 “Winter has set in at Bay of Islands… there was 4″ of ice on the Humber Arm – one of the foreign going was jammed in. She will be cut out in due time.” (DN).


Mar 5 SS Ranger reports 2000 pelts on board and 3000 on ice. (DN).


Apr 3 MV Josie and Phobe has commenced her summer operations and report no ice to be seen. All is clear. (DN).
Apr 14 “..the ice in the harbour has had a severe cutting. There are only 12″ to 13” of ice predicted for the harbour this season. It’s estimated the shipping season will reopen earlier than last season. (DN).
Apr 16 Ships are returning with pelts, it seems as if all is clear or light ice. (DN).
Apr 23 Steamers are just now returning home from the ice.
Apr 29 4614’N 5940’W to 4612’N 5956’W heavy floe ice.