Charts 1933


Feb 27 IIP report of heavy field ice should perhaps be from 4830’N 49W.


Mar 3 MS “Venus” ~225m eastward of Cape Race passed 5 large bergs and large patches of field ice.
Mar 25 The IIP reports field ice extending westward and northward between the 2 positions.


Apr 22 Sighted heavy field ice 70m eastward of Cape Spear. Field ice reported off the east and south coasts of the Avalon Peninsula.
Apr 24 Fields of ice along the E coast of the Avalon Peninsula from 4740’N to 4630’N and extending as far as could be seen.
Apr 26 (from St. John’s): SS “Beothic” jammed in the ice near Horse Is. for more than a month, was reported in open water today.

May 17 SS “Seirstad” from Wabana to Rotterdam hit berg off Cape St. Francis and sank. (IIP59).

Oct 11 Wood schooner “Maia” hit berg in Labrador Sea, caught fire and sank. (IIP59).