Charts 1929


Jan 30 SS “Sambro” was released by CGS “Montcalm” after being held 10 days at Sandy Point, St. George’s Bay, NF and proceeded to Halifax without damage.
Feb 26 (From Copenhagen): Ice fields extended 25m W of Jutland into the North Sea, a phenomenon without parallel in local maritime records.
Feb 27- Mar 9 SS “Cairngowan”, with lost rudder, 4935’N 4927’W, 176m NE of St. John’s; now stopped, drifting south to avoid risk of ice west of Maine; Mar 1, 4903’N 5015’W it tow of tug “Humber”, steering SE 51 miles W true [sic] encountering light open ice; 2nd, 4807’N 4936’W attempted a direct course and met heavy field ice, now making SSW course; 4th, 4718’N 4930’W impossible to make port without additional assistance; 6th, 4651’N 5015’W hawser to SS “Cairndhu” parted and drifted till daylight owing to proximity of field ice; 9th, arrived St. John’s, 20 bow plates damaged by ice.


Mar 5 SS “Vela” from Narvik to Baltimore, ice-bound ~100m NE of Cape Race.
Mar 22 SS “Farnham” at Danzig from St. John’s damaged by ice.


Apr 2 SS “Bird City” from 4534’N 4807’W to 4555’N 4840’W passed through ice with several small bergs and growlers extending northward as far as could be seen.
Apr 3 SS “Ala” from 4337’N 4851’W to 4354’N 4931’W sighted numerous growlers and field ice.
Apr 5 SS “Sagona” at St. John’s with plates damaged by ice.
Apr 17 SS “Stavangerfjord” 4258’N 4535’W a berg and growler.
Apr 18 Edge of ice field extends north and south of 4523’N 4834’W.
Apr 21 SS “John O. McKellar” from Middlesboro for Sault St. Marie put into St. John’s with 2 blades lost in ice.
Apr 22 SS “Italia” from Middlesborough for Canada put into St. John’s with bows damaged by ice.
Apr 23 SS “Florencia” of the sealing fleet was crushed between ice floes and foundered near the Straits of Belle Isle (off Cape Bauld). Crew picked up by SS “Nascopie”.
Apr 24 SS “Manchester Citizen” sustained considerable damage by ice off Cape Race, on starboard side in vicinity of No.1 hold and several plates were bent and rivets started on the port side.
Apr 25 Belle Isle: Heavy open ice everywhere; 19 bergs and many growlers in sight.
Apr 25 CGS “Mikula” from 8m SE of Scateri Is. to 46N 5914’W passed through heavy close packed ice.
Apr 25 SS “C.H. Houston” from Tees to Montreal with ore put into St. John’s with bow plates damaged by ice, also clutch of steering engine and 3 blades of propeller broken.
Apr 26 4719’N 4733’W to 4610’N 4850’W open field ice; to the NE of 4750’N 5025’W to 4820’N 49W numerous bergs and growlers with strings of heavy field ice; from 4707’N 4736’W to 4654’N 4752’W patches of field ice and growlers to N and S of track as far as could be seen.
Apr 27 SS “Nascopie” reports that in the vicinity of Belle Isle found ice conditions very unfavourable, the SS “Labrador” being blocked with heaviest ice he had ever seen extending ~29m off the coast.
Apr 28 SS “Ungava” reports very heavy ice, worst master has experienced in 35 years extending 4m E of Belle Isle to Round Hill 15m E of Battle Harbour and none outside of that. SS “Terra Nova” reports in vicinity and outside of Belle Isle very heavy and the heaviest the master has experienced in 25 years. Was not north of Battle Harbour but ice appeared very heavy northward.
Apr 28 Battle Harbour reports no ice in sight.

May 1 Belle Isle: heavy open ice everywhere.
May 4 SS “Cornerbrook” arrives at Cornerbrook from Hamburg with slight leak in No.1 hold owing to contact with ice.

Jul 20 SS “Vimeira” hit berg on Tail of Grand Banks and received extensive damage to bow plates and propeller.(IIP59).