Charts 1927


Jan ? SS “Mogolian Prince” arrived Bahai Blanca, Argentina, reported a huge mountain of ice off that port. “Curaca” also reported bergs, first time in 20 years Captain ever saw bergs of that coast.
Feb — Schooner “John Llewellyn” from St. John’s to Belleoram, Fortune Bay, encountered ice on the south coast and was over 20 days in voyage. (FS).
Feb — SS “Wabanna” from Liverpool to Wabanna was damaged by ice and underwent repairs at Halifax Apr 15. 43 plates were treated and other damage repaired.
Feb 19 SS “Estonia” 4830’N 50W to 4655’N 5125’W passed through field of drift ice.
Feb 20 SS “Stockholm” 4422’N 6241’N: IIP should read fields of slob ice extending WSW – ENE thence to Halifax, also sighted several large growlers.
Feb 20 SS “Muenchen” 10m 217 from Cape Race passed a medium sized berg.
Feb 25 SS “Helig Olav” 4656’N 4723’W passed through ice extending ~5m in a N and S direction; 26th, from 4630’N 54W to 4520’N 5435’W steamed along the southern edge of an ice field which extended northward as far as could be seen.
Feb 28 SS “George Allen” 4658’N 4706’W sighted large fields of drift ice extending SSE and NNW.


Mar 3 SS “Stavangerfjord” 4611’N 4651’W passed a growler; 5th, 4429’N 5953’W to 4425’N 5958’W a large ice field extending as far as can be seen.
Mar 3 (from Boston): SS “Newfoundland” from Liverpool via St.John’s and Halifax sighted bergs and drift ice; the ice conditions were worse 186m E of St.John’s and ship’s course altered on a number of occasions. At least 50 bergs were observed, 2 very large.
Mar 5 SS “Oscar II” 4632’N 4735’W sighted a large growler.
Mar 14 SS “Lituania” 4658’N 4652’W passed a small berg; 15th, 4650’N 4719’W passed 2 smaller bergs.


Apr 1 4355’N 4856’W a berg; 4324’N 4925’W a berg; 4309’N 4925’W a berg.
Apr 2 St. Paul’s Is: Heavy close packed ice; St. John’s: Ice close to land north of Cabot Tower, off land south; no water to be seen north over ice.
Apr 2 SS “Waalhaven” at Boston from Brake via St.John’s sustained damage by ice.
Apr 11 (from St. John’s): SS “Cranley” from Glasgow to Hearts Content encountered a heavy southerly breeze and was forced into the ice; as a result of the swell some rivets in No.1 tank were loosened and it was thought that the ship would have to come here for repairs; after storm abated it was found that damage was not as much as was first supposed and vessel proceeded for Hearts Content.
Apr 14 Belle Isle: Heavy close packed ice everywhere; 15 bergs in sight.
Apr 20 The southern edge of the ice field is reported from 4640’N 47W to 46N 4835’W.
Apr 20 The southern edge of the ice field is reported 25m N of Sable Is. and eastward to 5850’W.
Apr 21 Field ice 4616’N 4751’W and 4658’N 4733’W.
Apr 21 Belle Isle: Heavy open ice; many bergs.
Apr 25 4703’N 4845’W field ice all around the horizon [in addition to IIP].
Apr 28 Cape Race: 1 berg 9m E by N, another 9m SW.
Apr 29 Field ice 4830’N 4950’W [cf IIP].