Charts 1918

A number of ships frozen in at Carbonear. In March, strong SE wind blew ice out in large sheets. 5 ships could not break out and were wrecked on Carbonear Island. 3 others were blown out to sea. (FS).


Feb 4 Curling: 3 American fishing vessels frozen in Bay of Islands will probably remain there till spring.
Feb 13 Issue: mention of ice off Cape Breton coast.
Feb 18 “Florizel” lost at Cape Race. (#866).
Feb 20 Issue: ice reports restricted to 40N 74W area.
Feb 23 SS “Florizel” struck Horn Head Point, Renews in heavy storm and severe ice. (HDR).
Feb 24 SS “Florizel”: no mention of ice, just blizzard condition.


Mar 6 Harbour all frozen up. (generally little mention of ice). (#866).
Mar 12 Issue: “John L. Cann” engaged in Canso – Mulgrave service broke propeller in ice and will go to Halifax.
Mar 13 From 45N 47W to 47N 47W large bergs; also field ice which extended to south of Virgin Rocks and Eastern Shoals. Heavy ice off Canso.
Mar 18 Halifax: SS “Rayander” broke blades in ice in Straits of Canso.
Mar 20 4711’N 4311’W a medium sized berg.
Mar 21 4437’N 5702’W to 4406’N 5833’W a heavy ice field.
Mar 26 Halifax: Schooner “Progresso II” from St. John’s to Oporto had bows stove in by ice ~30m off the Newfoundland coast.
Mar 29 4820’N 47W field ice, also bergs from 4730’N to 4830’N in 47W.


Apr 20 4314’N 4925’W, 2 bergs ~250′ high and ½m long.
Apr 25 4043’N 4740’W a berg and some growlers.
Apr 28 45N 47W to 4355’N 48W, 4 low lying bergs.
Apr 29 4540’N 4550’W a long low lying berg.
Apr 29 Off St. John’s, field ice and 10m E of Cape Race an iceberg ~200′ long, floating very low in the water.
Apr 30 4343’N 4720’W, 2 bergs ~50′ high.
Apr 30 4305’N 4905’W a berg and field ice.

May 1 4638’N 4445’W, 2 bergs; 4640’N 4446’W a berg.
May 1 4640’N 4446’W a berg ~40′ high & 200′ long; 4638’N 4445’W, 2 small bergs; 4613’N 4520’W a small berg.
May 2 4605’N 4816’W a berg.
May 2 4256’N 4916’W an icefield.
May 3 4417’N 4729’W a berg 200′ high and 600′ long.
May 3 Heavy field ice from north of Sable Island to the shore of Nova Scotia. Drift ice around St. Paul’s Island, Cabot Strait.

Jul 3 Mission ship “Harmony” sailed from St. John’s for Labrador and being early on the coast met a quantity of ice though not sufficient to interfere with the work but the icebergs were very numerous. (EW).