Charts 1908

Almost all sealing vessels damaged: Apr 13th, “Newfoundland” arrived St. John’s in a battered and badly leaking condition; Apr 16th, “Algerine” likewise; Mar 21st, “Aurora” badly damaged; Mar 27-28th, “Ranger” badly damaged. (JF).
SS “Adventure” jammed twice in spring. After discharging catch was requested by government to render assistance to damaged sealing steamers including SS “Algerine”, which had on board the crews of the SS “Walrus” and “Panther”, both being crushed by the ice. “Algerine” reached St. John’s Apr 15. (NW).
NYMR: (except as noted)
— — Wood barque “Colomba Lofard” hit berg in the North Atlantic and was condemned. (IIP59).



Mar 3 SS “Wasia” arrived Halifax from Louisburg with propeller blade broken by ice.
Mar 17 SS “Virginian Lake” damaged and leaking after butting ice [no location]. NW
Mar 21 SS “Terra Nova” rudder broken in heavy ice. Very bad ice this year. Had been as far north as Occasional Harbour, Labrador and then 100m east but few seals taken, and often jammed.. (NW).
Mar 21-22 SS “Panther” had both bows smashed in while trying to break a large pan of ice. A dozen or more steamers around her, mostly all jammed. 22nd, as ice slackened, ship sank 10m SE of the Funk Is.; crew distributed amongst 5 sealers. (NW).
Mar 22 SS “Panther” lost while sealing at the front. (fgmm).
Mar 22 SS “Aurora” damaged by raftering ice. SS “Eagle II” badly damaged. (NW).
Mar 30 SS “Walrus” had both bows stove while attempting to get through a jam of ice and sank 200m E by S of Funk Is. Crew taken up by “Neptune” and some transferred later. (NW).


Apr — SS “Kite” damaged in ice near St. Paul’s. (NW).
Apr 2 North Sydney: A heavy body of drift ice extending nearly 50m has been driven out of the Gulf of St. Lawrence by the recent gales moving seaward in the ocean steamers’ track.
Apr 2-5 SS “Ranger” was heavily damaged in ice and suffered severe nips. (NW).
Apr 3 SS “Walrus” damaged by butting through ice on Mar 21, filled and sank when the ice slackened. (SR).
Apr 4 SS “Grand Lake” sank at the ice. (SR).
Apr 4 SS “Grand Lake” lost in the ice but not directly by ice, 85m off Funk Is. (NW).
Apr 5 4754’N 4226’W a large berg.
Apr 6 4735’N 4358’W a berg.
Apr 6 4755’N 4325’W a berg 10m to the north.
Apr 8 St. John’s: Sealing steamer “Adventure” when unloaded will search for SS “Virginia Lake” reported badly leaking and in danger of foundering; when last seen she was steaming south with bows broken by ice, evidently seriously crippled. Apr 12th, sealer “Newfoundland” arrived today and reports steamer “Grand Lake” with 20,000 skins had sides crushed by ice and sank.
Apr 15 Ice from Cabot Strait to 75m SE of Scaterie, being about 40m wide.
Apr 15 St. John’s: Most of the sealing vessels more or less damaged, the SS “Algerine”‘s side crushed by ice.
Apr 22 SS “Lackawanna” sighted about 30 bergs some of them very large ones ~200m ESE of Cape Race.
Apr 28 SS “Latonia” at Father Point saw numerous large bergs from 44 to 45 and 51N; also loose field ice.
Apr 29 SS “Norwood” from Glasgow to Campbellton, NB pierced by ice on the Grand Banks (sunk by ice in the Gulf – PR) and abandoned, presumed sunk.
(Vessels appear to come and go freely at St. John’s throughout the season)

May 6 SS “Oceano” pieces of ice 150-200m north of Bermuda. (JH).

Nov — Barkentine “Colombo Lofaro” from Trinidad to London put into St. Thomas after striking a berg, condemned and sold. (PR).