Charts 1907


Jan 31 Brig “Robin” from Halifax to Lisbon got nipped in the ice after leaving the harbour and sank off Fogo Head, NF.
Feb 14 SS “Amelia” from Canso for Halifax arrived Arichat with propeller broken by ice.


Mar — SS “Greenland” broke shaft then crushed by ice in a gale off the east coast. (SR).
Mar 4 SS “Cheronea” passed Cape Race damaged by ice heading for Placentia. Could not enter St. John’s because of heavy ice.
Mar 6 Schooner(?) “Leopard”, captain – Bob Bartlett with ice close to land ran aground and was lost near Black Head 4m from Seal Cove. (JPA).
Mar 6 SS “Leopard” on way to Gulf fishery went ashore at Blackhead, Cape Bollard. Slob ice present. (NW).
Mar 7 SS “St Cuthbert” at New York from 4620’N 4628’W to 4550’N 4725’W passed along the edge of a continuous ice field.
Mar 7 St. John’s: Sealing steamer “Leopard” crushed in ice off C. Race
Mar 9 4635’N 4702’W a large piece of ice.
Mar 9 4645’N 4639’W a small berg and 1 large piece of ice.
Mar 16 SS “Greenland” broke shaft and lost propeller while butting ice ~15m ESE of Cape Freels. Also found to be leaking, drifted south and on the morning of the 23rd, was ~75m SSE of Cape Bonavista in a dangerous situation amidst loose ice and bergs. Crew taken up by the SS “Newfoundland”, and soon after, it sank. NW
Mar 26 Cable steamer “Contre Amiral Caubert” put into St. John’s with propeller broken by ice off the Grand Banks.
Mar 30 St. John’s: The sealing steamer “Greenland” which was disabled earlier this week in the sealing grounds has sunk. The SS “Algerine” put in here with a broken rudder.
Mar 28 SS “Columbia” 4544’N 4520’W passed 10m south of a large berg, same time passed a small berg.


Apr — 4445’N 4445’W several bergs.
Apr 1&2 SS “Excelsior” from 4759’N 4223’W to 4550’N 4636’W passed through a continuous line of medium sized bergs.
Apr 4 SS “Kentucky” from Copenhagen to New York 4335’N 4819’W passed 4 bergs ~50′ high and 400′ long.
Apr 6 4546’N 4125’W a large berg.
Apr 6-7 SS “Furnessia” from Glasgow to New York 46άN 4246’W to 4408’N 4904’W passed 18 small bergs.
Apr 8 4243’N 4724’W to 4238’N 4756’W, 4 large bergs.
Apr 8 4437’N 4738’W a berg ~120′ high and several small pieces.
Apr 8 4440’N 4727’W a small berg.
Apr 11 SS “Tonke” from Halifax to Louisburg returned to Halifax prevented from reaching her destination by heavy ice.
Apr 11 4539’N 4639’W a large berg.
Apr 11 4705’N 41ΚW a large berg.
Apr 11 4659’N 4117’W a large berg ~200′ high, which broke in two and turned over while steamer was passing.
Apr 11 4705’N 4120’W a large berg.
Apr 12 4345’N 4620’N to 4335’N 4648’W, 3 bergs.
Apr 12 4410’N 4320’W a berg 250′ long and 80′ high.
Apr 13 4408’N 4533’W to 4342’N 4611’W, 8 bergs, 1 of which was 500′ high.
Apr 14 4417’N 4202’W a small berg.
Apr 14 4422’N 4254’W a medium sized berg.
Apr 14 4441’N 4136’W a small berg.
Apr 14 4410’N 4448’W a berg 200′ long and 30′ high.
Apr 15 4440’N 43ΟW a medium sized berg.
Apr 16 4502’N 4443’W a large berg.
Apr 17 4433’N 45γW a large berg 600′ long and 300′ high; same time 2 large bergs to the southward.
Apr 18 General movement of ice out of the gulf and heavy, close packed and impenetrable fields of ice extending many miles south of Scatarie and the coast west of Louisburg. Nearly all stations except Cape Ray reporting heavy close packed ice.
Apr 22 4646’N 5112’W to 4548’N 4828’W, 7 large bergs and several small pieces.
Apr 22 4640’N 45W to 4548’N 4828’W, 7 large bergs and considerable field ice.
Apr 24-25 4825’N 3940’W to 4525’N 4756’W, 9 bergs.
Apr 25 4536’N 4608’W a large berg.
Apr 25 4512’N 4812’W a berg.
Apr 28 North Sydney: Heavy ice from the Cape Breton coast blocking it for miles. 3 steamers damaged.
Apr 29 4728’N and 4703’N to 44W and 45W, 2 large and 2 small bergs.
Apr 30 4254’N 4902’W a large berg.
Apr 30 4552’N 4840’W, 1 large berg.

May 1 4320’N 4840’W, 3 small bergs. May 3 SS “Craigvar” at New York from Shields reports from the Flemish Cap along the southern edge of the Grand Banks for a distance of 300m passed through a large quantity of ice, sighted 14 bergs.
May 3 SS “Ottawa” at Montreal, via Halifax from Liverpool reports: left Halifax 3 am 28th ultimo, met the first ice 4 pm of the same date 10 south of Scatari Is., steamed 90 to the ESE and got round it, came in on the north side of Cabot Strait and met the ice again at 3 pm of the 29th 36 SE of Cape Ray. It set in thick fog at midnight of the 28th and continued until 6 am of the 1st. We then entered the ice and found the thickest 10 SE of Port Basques, from there to Bird Rocks met heavy floes with clear water between. Saw the last of the ice 15 NW of Bird Rocks.
May 3 SS “Sardinian” at Halifax from London to Montreal unable to enter the St. Lawrence on account of the ice. She passed 3 steamers supposed to be the “Vancouver”, “Ontario” and “Ionian” fast in the ice.
May 5 SS “Lord Landsdowne” 3100’W 3800’W, 2 small pieces 6′ by 6′ and 12′ by 4′ out of the water. (JH).
May 6 4205’N 4928’W to 4205’N 4943’W, 3 moderate sized bergs.
May 6 4535’N 4907’W a berg stranded in 40 fathoms of water.
May 6 4524’N 4726’W to 4618’N 4741’W, 7 bergs and a few small pieces of ice.
May 8 4730’N 4309’W, 1 large berg and several small bergs.
May 9 4224’N 4920’W, 3 large bergs.
May 31 Schooner “Guardian” from Bonaventure, NF to Sydney, CBI sunk by ice off North Sydney. (PR).

Jun 26 SS “Windward” wrecked at Carey’s Is., Davis Strait. (NW).

Jul 8 SS “Kronprinz Wilhelm” 4250’N 5031’W struck a berg, slight damage.
SS “Algerine” damaged in ice. (NW).