Charts 1900

Minimal amount -2. (M).
Spring: very heavy ice on the way north from St. John’s to the Funk Islands. SS “Newfoundland” caught against Funk Island and slightly damaged. SS “Neptune got clear. GW
NYMR (except as noted):


Jan 19 4548’N 46W very large berg and several small ones.
Feb 26 SS “St Joseph” at North Sydney reported encountered ice 20m E of Scaterie and damaged.


Mar — SS “Labrador” struck seals Mar 12 and bore up for home on 19th, and en route lost a piece of stem plate while putting through heavy ice; encountered heavy snow storm and had to put into Twillingate. (NW).
Mar — SS “Leopard” struck plentiful seals 40m NE of the Funks. (NW).
Mar 2 SS “Berkshire” at Shields from Stettin for Boston with bows damaged by ice.


Apr 5 4005’N 58W some field ice.
Apr 12 4153’N 4828’W, 2 large bergs.

May 23 Issue: 4828’N 4942’W a berg 50′ high and 200′ long; 4813’N 3001’W a berg 150′ high.

Jul 4 SS “Lusitania” unable to get through Strait of Belle Isle because of ice floes and bergs. Local coast reports state that floes were forced through the strait into the Gulf.
Jul 10 & 13 more reports of heavy ice in the Straits.
(Very little mention of ice altogether)