Charts 1898

Normal amount 0. (M).
MG488 Log of the SS “Greenland”: Mar 10, Left St. John’s, met heavy ice off Cape Bonavista. Course NNE over next few days (writing very difficult to make out and cannot make out any position); 14th, ship crushed by ice and men took to the ice – “Thus the brightest day of my life closed with the greatest calamity.” (Since the ships were pretty well constantly in heavy tight ice I suspect the ship went down not that far from Bonavista. Obviously the following fgmm entry is wrong but it could be a schooner since the “Greenland” is sometimes mentioned in the log as in sight.
NYMR (except as noted):


Jan 20 SS “Minister Maybach” 4855’N 4926’W to 4929’N 4929’W passed along the edge of an icefield for 30 miles.
Jan 25 Icebergs were seen between 46N & 47N and 47W & 48W.
Jan 28 SS “Siberian” 4719’N 4727’W sighted field ice which was seen until the 30th at 4547’N 5341’W.
Jan — Schooner “Spinaway” fast in the ice 3m off Cape Bauld. In danger of foundering but got free.
Feb 2 Issue: The ice blockade at St. John’s was raised Jan 27th., freeing the steamers “Grand Lake” and “Portia” which were outward bound; and also permitting the Allen Line steamer “Numidian” to enter the harbour. No sailing vessels, however, ventured out. Reports from the northern coast of the island showed that the whole shore was still blocked.
Feb 2 Bark “Aureola” driven ashore by an ice floe 8m from St. John’s.
Feb 4 SS “Adington” bow stove in off Cape Race.
Feb 11 Schooner “Sir Hibbert” at Halifax unable to reach St. John’s due to ice blockade and leaking.
Feb 13 SS “Aral” 4615’N 47W entered a heavy field of ice which extended as far as the eye could see; cleared to the southward 50m; a small berg ~15′ high and 30′ long.
Feb 13 SS “Karlsruhe” 44N 48W to 45N 49W large quantities of field and pack ice.
Feb 14 SS “Michigan” 4505’N 4810’W passed through a large quantity of thick, broken field and pack ice, extending 6m E & W, and as far as was visible to the N & S.
Feb 16 SS “Russian Prince” 49(?)N 47W to 4630’N 4811’W passed through a large quantity of heavy field ice.
Feb 17 SS “Massapequa” 4440’N 4940(?)’W to 4950’W passed through a huge ice field.
Feb 18 SS “Tritonia” 4650’N 5730’W passed through a large ice field
Feb 19 SS “Undaunted” at New York from Shields passed through a large quantity of drift ice east of the Banks in 4440’N.
Feb 23 SS “Henri Reith” 4818’N 4705’W passed immense fields of ice extending for over 30m; also, same date, 4749’N 4724’W passed an iceberg 80′ to 100′ in height, 250′ to 300′ long. From 4720’N to 4650’N sailed through huge fields of ice.
Feb 25 SS “Terra Nova” at St. John’s from Dundee had been embedded in ice fields for a week and reported immense ice floes 250m off the coast and extending to the route of ocean steamers.
Feb 26 Brig “Mistletoe” from St. John’s to Bahia was set on fire and abandoned after collision with heavy field ice in 4153’N 5512’W.
Feb 27 SS “Fransisco” 4206’N 4836’W a large quantity of field ice.
Feb 28 SS “Addington” embayed in ice 5m from St. John’s.


Mar 8 SS “Tjomo” 4820’N 4930’W to 47N 50W passed through a large ice field for 6 hours; was obliged to steer southward 70m before reaching clear water.
Mar 9 SS “Ursula Bright” 4639’N 45W encountered field ice for 18 hours, damaged.
Mar 14 SS “Mastiff” lost at the seal fishery 35m (90 m SE of Grey Is. – PR) from the Funk Is. Crew picked up by the “Newfoundland”, “Neptune”, and “Walrus”. (NW).
Mar 20 SS “Venus” 4445’N 4950’W a number of small bergs and a quantity of small lumps and drift ice.
Mar 21 SS “Greenland” met seals and ice 7m NNE of the Funks. (fgmm).
Mar 26 SS “Philadelphia” 4450’N 4625’W a large berg.
Mar 27 SS “Titania” 4757’N 4602’W a small berg; 4524’N 4654’W, 7 large bergs.
Mar 28 SS “Briardene” 4817’N 4852’W entered into a field of ice and cleared the same day; Mar 30th, 5m SE of Cape Ballard,NF; Mar 31st, 4730’N 52W ran into very heavy pack ice and saw 3 large bergs.
Mar 30 Issue: SS “Addington” encountered heavy ice after leaving St. John’s and sprung a leak.
Mar 30 Ship “Andelana” 4416’N 4826’W passed numerous bergs and large quantities of field ice; was compelled to steer to the southward 60m.
Mar 31 SS “Remus” at New York 4810’N 4705’W steamed due S through 66m of heavy field ice.


Apr — SS “Micmac” became jammed ~8m NNE of the Horse Is., while not more than a mile from open water. The heavy sea drove a pan of ice through the engine room and she sank ~2 hours later. Crew travelled 6m to the “Vanguard”. (NW).
Apr 1 SS “Mohican” from Swansea to New York 4308’N 5001’W passed a large berg with 3 peaks, ~100′ high each. Apr 2 SS “Atlantic” from Liverpool to New York 4752’N 4908’W passed numerous bergs and a very large ice floe. Was obliged to steer 50m to the southward before reaching clear water.
Apr 2 SS “Boadicia” from London to New York 4340’N 4945’W passed a large berg.
Apr 2 SS “Croft” from Dundee to New York 40N 4930’W passed a large berg.
Apr 3 SS “Karlsruhe” from Bremen to New York 4304’N 49?7’W passed a large berg.
Apr 8 SS “Minnewaska” 4330’N 4710’W a medium sized berg.
Apr 9 Heavy Gulf ice reported in 45N 59W.
Apr 11 SS “Hispania” 4227’N 5026’W a small berg.
Apr 21 SS “Thingvalla” 4401’N 4807’W berg 100′ high.
Apr 23 SS “Berlin” 4230’N 4937’W a large berg 15m to the north.
Apr 23 SS “Mobile” 4310’N 4940’W a large berg.
Apr 29 SS “Energie” from Stettin to New York 4850’N 5010’W ran into heavy pack ice; as far as could be seen from the masthead to the north and south the ocean was covered with ice. Steamed 85m SSE to clear the floes which extend to 4757’N 4927’W. The ice was 7′ thick and closely packed; many bergs were scattered through the fields; sighted 80 bergs during the day and at one time 20 bergs were in sight.
Apr 29 SS “Massachusetts” from London to New York 4245’N 50W sighted a large berg.

May 3 Bark “Iodine” at Bay Bulls left Philadelphia Mar 29th. for Ivigtut, Greenland. First struck by lightning, then storm damage. Ran into ice off Cape Spear and ran through 80m finally reaching Cape Spear.
May 3 SS “Britannic” from Liverpool to new York 4241’N 5048’W passed a small berg.
May 3 SS “Duffield” from Shields to Philadelphia 4243’N 5051’W passed a berg ~450′ long and 45′ high.
May 3 SS “Harlech” from Hamburg to new York 4640’N 48W to 49W passed 13 bergs, one ~150′ high and 2m long.
May 6 SS “Manitoba” from London to New York 4216’N 5134’W passed a small berg; 4215’N 5148’W another small berg.

Jun 18 SS “Para” from Swansea to Tilt Cove crushed by ice 6 m E of Gull Is. (PR).

Jul 20 Barque “Fortuna” from Hamburg to Canada crushed by ice off Tilt Cove. (PR).