Charts 1892

Almost minimal amount -1.5. (M).
NYMR (except as noted):
Jan NYMR issue Mar 9: The present season up to date (end of January) is an exception to the last 18 years since I have been at this station, for the absence of all kinds of ice or slob, which generally make on the coast at this time of year. Owing to the mild weather we have had more rain and fog than during any former year. This month the lakes and rivers have not frozen over at all. – Capt. Patrick Myrick, light-keeper at Cape Race.


Feb 8 SS “Chicago” 4905’N 4620’W 2 small bergs; the next day in field ice extending as far as the eye could see, of thickness ~ 2 feet.
Feb 8 4834’N 4836’W several [2] small bergs. (MWR).
Feb 9 [SS “Chicago”] 4748’N 5210’W, 5m of field ice [2′ thick]. (MWR).
Feb 11 [SS “Mendelssohn”] 4725’N 4755’W a small berg. (MWR).
Feb 12 A field of ice 10m ENE from St. John’s. (MWR).
Feb 13 SS “Dago” 4345’N 5434’W, 2 bergs one of which was very high. A Number of large pieces were also in the vicinity.
Feb 13 SS “Venus” 4643’N 4742’W a small berg.
Feb 15 SS “Hafis” 4740’N 3631’W [4840’W – MWR] berg about 25′ above the water.
Feb 16 SS “Norseman” 4759’N 4838’W several small floes [or large flat pieces] of ice.


Mar 1 A berg, grounded, 9m ESE from Cape Race. (MWR).
Mar 7 String of field ice, 12m in length, E of Cape Race. (MWR).
Mar 9 Issue: Few ice reports so far show that there is little or no heavy ice off the Newfoundland coast and present indications are ice will not be severe.
Mar 11 SS “Portia” saw 2 medium sized bergs about 3m E of St. John’s; 15th, no field ice on the coast south of Cape Freels.
Mar 22 Heavy pack ice between Pictou, NS and Souris, PEI. (MWR).
Mar 23 Heavy ice reported in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. (MWR).
Mar 27 4358’N 4815’W a small berg. (MWR).


Apr Issue MWR: The southernmost ice reported, a berg, on the 29th in 4246’N 4937’W, and the easternmost, several bergs, on the 21st in 4858’N 4427’W. Icebergs and field ice were encountered along the east edge of the Banks of Newfoundland throughout the month, and along the southeast Newfoundland coast on the 2nd and 13th.
Apr 6 SS “Circassia” 4815’N 4428’W broken ice.
Apr 7 SS “Circassia” ~ 4556’N 5003’W detached pieces of ice.
Apr 10 4503’N 4814’W a berg 15′ high and 200 yards long.
Apr 11 SS “Caprivi” 4910’N 4845’W in a field of ice received some damage; a number of bergs in the field.
Apr 11 SS “Mab” from Hamburg to Philadelphia 4635’N 4828’W passed 11 bergs; 3 were very large, one was from 350 to 400 yards long and 73′ high.
Apr 13 SS “Portia” from St .John’s to Halifax between Cape Boyle [sic] and St. John’s passed 12 bergs of medium size, all afloat.
Apr 14 SS “Mohican” at New York from Swansea from 4530’N 4940’W to 4520’N 4955’W passed 3 moderate sized bergs and a number of detached pieces.
Apr 14 4519’N 4840’W a large berg.
Apr 15 SS “Philadelphia” from Liverpool to Boston 46N 47W passed a flat sided berg, sharp on the ends.
Apr 15 4452’N 4845’W a berg.
Apr 16 Between 4515’N 48W & 4506’N 49W, 5 moderate sized bergs and 1 small one.
Apr 21 A large field of ice ~80m E of Cape Canso, NS. (MWR).
Apr 21 SS “Inchniva” ? from London to Halifax crossed the Banks north of 4530’N and met 2 bergs of medium size. When 60m E of S of Cape Canso met heavy field of ice. Went around the edge of it and was obliged to go south 60m. Sighted Cape Canso and the ice was in shore and extended as far north as could be seen.
Apr 22 SS “Devonia” from Glasgow to New York 43N 4856’W portions of a berg, apparently breaking up.
Apr 23 4340’N 4849’W a large berg.
Apr 23 4334’N 4849’W a berg 30′ high.
Apr 23 4550’N 4613’W to 4424’N 4734’W, 4 bergs.
Apr 23 SS “Manitoba” 4849’N 4840’W a small berg.
Apr 24 4421’N 4845’W and 4918’N 4354’W, 2 large bergs.
Apr 24 4410’N 4906’W a large berg.
Apr 24 A schooner en route from St. Pierre to Sydney, CBI was sunk by heavy ice. MWR
Apr 26 Schooner “Nancy” (cf MWR) reported struck a berg off Scaterie and sunk.
Apr 28 SS “Tauria(?) 4314’N 4834’W a small berg; 4304’N 4902’W a large berg.
Apr 29 4240’N 4930’W a berg. Apr 29 4310’N 4850’W a large berg.
Apr 30 4323’N 43 or 4912’W a large berg 8m off.
Apr 30 SS “Otranto” from Antwerp to Boston 4450’N 5020’W passed 2 small bergs.

May 1 4322’N 4819’W a berg 200′ high and 1,200′ long.
May 1 4332’N 4910’W a small berg with 2 peaks, ~50′ high.
May 4 Issue: Icebergs and field ice have been reported in increasing quantities towards the end of April.
May 3-4 SS “Caspian” from Liverpool to Halifax from 4811’N 4508’W to 4731’N 4725’W passed bergs; next morning in 4729’N 5121’W, passing several bergs along the coast; also met several bergs near Cape Ballard, but saw no ice from Cape Race.
May 6 SS “Brilliant” at New York from Hamburg 4332’N 4739’W passed 2 bergs 60′-70′ high.
May 8 SS “Britannic” at New York from Shields Apr 20 on the eastern edge of the Banks passed 20 bergs, some of them from 100′-150′ high and several ~600′ long.
May 17 Ship “Habitant” 4930’N 4520’W met a remarkable number of bergs.

Dec 14 Issue: Reports of ice islands in ~48N ~ 40W from September and October up to 3m long and 250′ high