Charts 1887

Just above normal +0.5. (M).
February stormy, ice in two strings. Average volume. (GR).
In 1887 a string of ice extended from Crew Point in the direction of Cape Miquelon, and the “Alc”, Bqte., was lost by being forced on shore by heavy ice, March 18th. (GR).
Floe ice reported off Baccalieu, Jan 17th; heavy ice at Cape race, Feb 4th; bergs south of Cape Race latitude in January. Feb 20th, ice in two strings off the land. A stormy season. (GR).
Northern ice arrived St. John’s Feb 15th, departed May 3rd. (GR).
At Ferryland, drift ice came in Feb 16th and left 22nd. Came back Apr 22 and all ice was cleared out by May 6 and not seen again. (JW in GR).
Plenty of ice on the east coast, impossible to enter harbours before Jun 19th. (CH in GR).
….. while in 1887 ice was continually present in transatlantic routes from February to August inclusive. (#93).
Mission ship “Harmony” met with drift ice and icebergs off Labrador in August. (EW).
NYMR (except as noted):


Jan 28 SS “Urania” at Hamburg was damaged by ice, from Philadelphia.
Feb — 4410’N 47-49W several bergs.
Feb — 4440’N 4843’W a large field of ice.
Feb 4 4630’N 4649’W shifting ice fields.
Feb 6 Between 4420’N 4750’W and 4440’N 4840’W, 5 bergs.
Feb 7 SS “Norseman” 4625’N 4645’W passed a small berg. (MWR).
Feb 7 SS “Hibernian” 4628’N 4647’W passed large quantities of field ice; had to steer south ~10m to avoid coming into contact with it. (MWR).
Feb 8 48N 4630’W large quantities of field ice and 15 bergs.
Feb 8 SS “City of Chester” 4620’N 4640’W field ice and 2 bergs, steamed 50m SW to clear.
Feb 8 SS “Sarnia” 40N 48W passed 40m of field ice and numerous bergs. (MWR).
Feb 8 SS “Hekla” between 4730’N 47W and 4530’N 48W fell in with great ice fields and several bergs and had to turn back & steer east for some hours to clear it. (MWR).
Feb 8 SS “Wyoming” from 4640’N 48W to 4652’N 4710’W passed through large quantities of field ice; 4652’N 4710’W passed 4 bergs. (MWR).
Feb 9 SS “England” 4422’N 4838’W passed through several fields of ice. (MWR).
Feb 9 SS “Hibernian” with Sable Is. bearing south distant 70m, passed a quantity of field ice. (MWR).
Feb 9 SS “Milanese” 4418’N 4845’W passed through quantity of field ice 4m long.
Feb 10 SS “Rugia” 4430’N 4849’W passed a narrow and very long field of snow ice which drove in the direction from N to S.
Feb 10 4436’N 4849’W a long but narrow field of ice extending N and S.
Feb 10 SS “Ethiopia” from 4813’N 4429’W to 4750’N 4503’W passed a berg and quantities of field ice. (MWR).
Feb 10 SS “Spain” 4650’N 4517’W passed a berg, also passed field ice and small bergs from 4633’N 4622’W to 4505’N 4820’W; had to steer S 25m to clear field ice. (MWR).
Feb 10 SS “Ems” 4450’N 4847’W passed young ice. (MWR).
Feb 11 SS “Bassano” 4437’N 4820’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Feb 11 SS “Prussian” from 4655’N 453’W to 4652’N 4543’W passed a number of large and small bergs. (MWR).
Feb 11 SS “Ethiopia” from 4721’N 4644’W to 4459’N 489’W encountered bergs and large quantities of field ice. (MWR).
Feb 11-14 SS “Critic” from 4645’N 4716’W to 4314’N 5414’W passed masses of field ice and occasional bergs.(MWR).
Feb 12 SS “Prussian” 4620’N 4850’W passed several bergs. (MWR).
Feb 12 SS “British Queen” 4615’N 4712’W passed through some heavy field ice and had to run south to clear it and from 4504’N 5730’W to 4448’N 6113’W passed through field ice, mostly light. (MWR).
Feb 12 SS “British Crown” 4652’N 4738’W fell in with large tracks [sic] of broken field ice; the ship was later hove-to, heading SW, owing to heavy seas and field ice. (MWR).
Feb 12-13 SS “Pennsylvania” 47N 47W passed 1 large and 5 small bergs, heavy field ice and a quantity of small field ice; last ice seen 4530’N 4810’W.
Feb 13 SS “British Crown” passes 9 bergs and field ice, the SE margin of the ice being in 4620’N 4645’W. (MWR).
Feb 13 SS “Maryland” 4610’N 4740’W passed several bergs.
Feb 14 SS “Brooklyn City” 4720’N 46W and 47N 4610’W passed a large berg and 4706’N 4630’W passed large fields of detached ice and numerous bergs, both large and small, extending N & S as far as the eye could see; had to steer back SE to get clear. (MWR). Feb 14 SS “City of Berlin” 4634’N 4615’W passed a large berg, later a quantity of pack ice and shortly after in 4620’N 4630’W field ice. (MWR).
Feb 14 SS “St. Pierre” from St. Pierre and Halifax 4526’N 5805’W met a field of ice from the St. Lawrence and had to run south 45m; steamed along the edge of the ice to 4425’N 5908’W and then ran for Halifax. The limit of the ice was 50m from E to W.
Feb 15 SS “Brooklyn City” 4410’N 4930’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Feb 15 SS “Britannic” between 463’N 4633’W and 4441’N 4851’W passed 15 bergs, several very large, also large quantities of field ice to the northward. (MWR).
Feb 15 SS “City of Berlin” [between 4620’N 4630’W and-NYMR] 4530’N 483Ο’W saw field and pack ice. (MWR).
Feb 15 SS “SS “Gothia” between 4514’N 4450’W and 488’N[?] 4840’W passed 8 ice mountains. (MWR).
Feb 15 SS “Trave” 4448’N 4735’W passed 2 large bergs and 1 small one. (MWR).
Feb 16 SS “Trave” 4448’N 4735’W passed 3 bergs. (MWR).
Feb 16 SS “Lord Gough” 45N 49W passed several large bergs & light field ice. (MWR).
Feb 16 SS “Bohemia” between 4450’N 4834’W and 4424’N 4915’W passed 14 bergs from 20′-50′ high and field ice. (MWR).
Feb 16 SS “Devonia” at Glasgow reported heavy field ice and berg ice 45N 48W.
Feb 16 SS “Indiana” 4540’N 4812’W passed through field ice for 30m and within sight of a number of bergs, 2 being of immense size of not less than 1,500′. To the northward as far as the eye could reach nothing could be seen but a vast field of ice. (MWR).
Feb 16 SS “Istrian” 4736’N 38[!]07’W to 4424’N 49W passed 20 large bergs.
Feb 16 4505’N 4822’W a berg.
Feb 16 4505’N 4906’W several bergs and a large quantity of field ice.
Feb 16 4427’N 74[!]W bergs and field ice.
Feb 17 SS “Bohemia” 4454’N 4819’W severe icefield and bergs.
Feb 17 SS “Bolivia” 4733’N 4331’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Feb 17 SS “La Bourgogne” 4454’N 4834′[5054′-NYMR]W passed a berg. (MWR).
Feb 17 Vessels arriving at New York from Newfoundland report very heavy fields of ice from Mizzen Bank to Sable Island. (MWR).
Feb 17 SS “Victoria” in 4440′[N?], from 4850′ to 49W passed a large berg and field ice. (MWR).
Feb 17 SS “Alaska” 4550’N 49W passed 6 medium sized bergs.
Feb 17 44N 4756’W bergs and field ice.
Feb 18 SS “Bolivia” 4543’N 4752’W and 4523’N 476’W passed a berg; 4440’N 4756’W fell in with field ice in large quantities..
Feb 18 SS “State of Pennsylvania” 4749’N 4326’W passed bergs. (MWR).
Feb 18 4413’N 4832’W, 3 large bergs.
Feb 18 SS “Monte Rosa” on the NE edge of the Banks fell in with a large field of ice extending as far as the eye could see; followed the edge of the ice to NE, ~30m, then SW, ~15m, when the ship became entirely shut in; the ice looked like low land covered with snow, with a great many icebergs, some of which were quite large, getting clear of the ice, followed the edge to the SE until the next morning, and then SW but was soon surrounded, and changed course again to SE; at 10 am could see nothing to the westward but a large field of ice and numerous icebergs; steered S until 4 pm and got clear of it in 4620’N, on the east edge of the Banks, had followed the ice about 180m; passed 3 bergs and some field ice in 44N 50W.
Feb 19 SS “State of Pennsylvania” ~ 4528’N 4728’W passed very extensive fields of pack ice and large bergs.
Feb 19-20 SS “State of Pennsylvania” from 465’N 4626’W to 4224’N 4924’W passed heavy field ice and numerous bergs, some being very large ones. (MWR).
Feb 19 SS “Rhynland” sighted field ice to the westward extending north and south as far as the horizon and entered the same in 4434’N 4844’W and steered S 67W true 10m and cleared it. (MWR).
Feb 19 SS “Hekla” 4430’N 49W saw several ice fields and passed through quantities of small ice. (MWR).
Feb 19 SS “Bolivia” 4326’N 4923’W cleared field ice. (MWR).
Feb 19 SS “Fulda” 4440’N 4843’W passed ice fields. (MWR).
Feb 19 SS “Ems” from 438’N 4913’W to 4316’N 492’W passed a number of bergs. ( MWR).
Feb 20 SS “Fulda” 4440’N 4843’W passed a large ice field and steered south for 6 hours. (MWR).
Feb 20 4334’N 4849’W a field of ice extending 5 or 6m.
Feb 20 4434’N 4844’W a field of heavy pack ice extending north and south as far as could be seen.
Feb 20 4708’N 4430’W a small berg.
Feb 21 SS “Greece” 4254’N 4950’W passed several large bergs. (MWR).
Feb 21 SS “Palestine” from 4450’N 4820’W to 4420’N 4920’W passed a number of bergs, some very large [and a great quantity of field ice]. (MWR).
Feb 21 SS “Mareca” 434’N 4955’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Feb 21-22 SS “Geiser” between 448’N 4814’W and 4340’N 508’W passed 6 bergs. (MWR). Feb 22 SS “Rotterdam” from 464’N 4610’W to 4457’N 4827’W passed 10 medium sized bergs and several pieces of floating ice. (MWR).
Feb 22 On the eastern edge of the Banks 4345’N, 6 bergs.
Feb 23 SS “Rotterdam” 4349’N 5227’W passed 5m south of a large berg. (MWR).
Feb 23 SS “Egypt” 4626’N 4150’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Feb 23 SS “Rhaetia” between 4421’N 4724’W and 4415’N 483’W passed 4 medium sized and 4 small bergs; passed 1 berg 4410’N 4840’W and one in 448’N 4857’W. (MWR).
Feb 24 SS “Celtic” passed 7m south of a large berg 160′ high in 4340’N 481’W; passed another 80′ high 4322’N 4853’W and then passed through a quantity of sludgy field ice. (MWR).
Feb 24 4847’N 4308’W a large berg, also large fields of mush ice.
Feb 24 SS “La Bretagne” 4337’N 4726’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Feb 24 SS “Egypt” 4424’N 4720’W and 445’N 4734’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Feb 25 SS “Bulgarian” 469’N 4459’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Feb 26 SS “Bulgarian” from 4510’N 47W to 45N 4735’W passed several medium sized bergs. (MWR).
Feb 27 SS “State of Georgia” 445’N 4720’W passed 2 small bergs. (MWR).
Feb 28 43N from 48 to 4850’W large quantities of field ice were seen.


Mar ? 4235’N -W field ice.
Mar ? 4343’N 5046’W large fields of ice.
Mar ? 4410’N 4240’W immense fields of ice interspersed with numerous bergs, some 50′ high.
Mar ? 4315’N 4807’W to 4226’N 5049’W, 14 small bergs.
Mar ? 4319’N 4825’W a berg and several pieces of ice.
Mar ? 43N 50W a large berg.
Mar 1 SS “Jersey City” 4406’N 4810’W passed to the southward of an ice floe. (MWR).
Mar 1 SS “Principia” 44N 4830’W passed a berg 100′ high. (MWR).
Mar 1 SS “Crystal” 4715’N 4335’W passed a medium sized berg. (MWR).
Mar 1 4859’N 4859’W [!!] a very large berg.
Mar 2 SS “Viola” 445’N 4741’W passed a berg~200′ high. (MWR).
Mar 2 SS “Catalonia” 4335’N 4831’W passed a berg 150′ high. (MWR).
Mar 2 4430’N 49W a large field of ice; ran south 14 hours to clear it.
Mar 2 44N 4734’W a large berg.
Mar 2-3 SS “Crystal” 4520’N 4745’W encountered heavy field ice and steered S and SW to clear it; saw 4 large bergs in it and passed the southern edge of the pack on the 3rd in 43N 4930’W. (MWR).
Mar 3 SS “California” 437’N 4923’W passed large fields of field ice for almost 3 hours. (MWR).
Mar 3 SS “La Gascogne” 432’N 4910’W passed several bergs and field ice. (MWR).
Mar 3 SS “Sueva” 435’N 4923’W passed some field ice. (MWR).
Mar 3 SS “Etna” 4420’N 4825’W encountered heavy field ice and steamed southerly 15 hours to clear [and later passed a berg 125′ high]. (MWR).
Mar 3 SS “Bristol” 4615’N 45W passed 2 large bergs. (MWR).
Mar 3 43N 4930’W a large quantity of field ice.
Mar 3 45N 4930’W a large quantity of field ice. [same as above ?]
Mar 4 SS “Devonia” 5pm, 4337’N 4830’W passed a large berg; 5.30pm, sighted field ice and kept away to clear; 11.30pm, passed the southernmost point of it; 4230’N 5020’W keeping ship on her course again.
Mar 4 SS “Arizona” 4256’N 4930’W passed the southern edge of a heavy ice field extending north as far as could be seen from the masthead. (MWR).
Mar 4 SS “Zaandam” from 44N 4830’W to 43N 4930’W saw several medium sized bergs and passed through 2 ice fields. (MWR).
Mar 4 SS “Bristol” 4425’N 4836’W passed enormous quantities of field ice. (MWR).
Mar 4 SS “Shakspere” 4531’N 4256’W passed 2 large bergs. (MWR).
Mar 4 4543’N 4316’W, 2 large bergs.
Mar 4 4446’N 4354’W a large berg.
Mar 5 Bark “Scotland” 4240’N 4930’W passed a great number of bergs; while endeavouring to clear them ran into a huge pack of drift ice. 12 hours were spent in clearing the floe. (MWR).
Mar 5 4153’N 51W a large berg.
Mar 5? 43ΣN 4746’W a large number of bergs.
Mar 5-7 4427’N 4620’W several large bergs and a great fields of floating ice.
Mar 5-9 SS “Germania” 489’N 4612’W encountered heavy field ice interspersed with bergs through which she, with difficulty, forced her way southward and southwestward during the next 4 days sustaining considerable damage from heavy ice. (MWR).
Mar 6 SS “Shakspere” 4319’N 49W in early am ran into field ice and put back until daylight; at 9am sighted numerous bergs and much field ice. (MWR). Mar 6 4340’N 4915’W, 3 large bergs.
Mar 7 SS “Scandinavian” 43N 4842’W passed a berg & 2½ hours later, another. (MWR).
Mar 8 SS “Pavonia” 4159’N 4834’W, 4147’N 4852’W and 4152’N 4858’W passed bergs. (MWR).
Mar 8 SS “Adriatic” from 4348’N 489’W to 4340’N 4849’W passed 3 small bergs and 1 ice floe. (MWR).
Mar 8 SS “Virginian” 44N 4620’W passed a berg; 43N 4830’W passed 3 large bergs. (MWR).
Mar 8 SS “Nederland” 4143’N 50[40-NYMR]40’W passed 2 bergs. (MWR).
Mar 8 4750’N 4849’W, 3 small bergs, ….
Mar 9 Bark “Miriam” at Figueira from St. John’s was damaged by ice in passage.
Mar 9 Schooner “Rippe” 40m SW of Cape St. Mary’s stuck in ice, damaged.
Mar 9 SS “Elbe” 4218’N 4839’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Mar 9 4410’N 4840’W field ice extending S as far as the eye could see.
Mar 9 4425’N 4715’W, 2 bergs 40′ high.
Mar 9 41N 47-49W numerous large and small bergs.
Mar 9 4505’N 4637’W, 2 large bergs.
Mar 10 SS “Nessmore” 4710’N 49W passed 4 large and 2 small bergs. (MWR).
Mar 10 SS “Marengo” 4435’N 4653’W passed a berg of moderate size. (MWR).
Mar 10 SS “Erin” 4428’N 466’W passed a berg; 4319’N 4825’W passed a small berg and several pieces of ice.(MWR).
Mar 10 SS “Ems” 44[40-NYMR]30’N 469’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Mar 10 SS “Umbria” between 4150’N 4750’W and 4124’N 4850’W passed several bergs. (MWR).
Mar 10 SS “Elbe” 4314’N 4524’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Mar 10 4245’N 5030’W a berg ~200′ high and several hundred feet long.
Mar 10 4345’N 4850’W, 2 bergs.
Mar 11 SS “British Prince” 4144’N 502’W passed a large berg [100′ or 200′ high & 420′ long]; 4128’N 5016’W a small berg. (MWR).
Mar 11 SS “Marengo” 4315’N 49W passed a [moderate sized] berg; 4245’N 5030’W, 1 ~200′ high and several hundred feet long. (MWR).
Mar 11 SS “City of Newcastle” 4150’N 5040’W passed [3 large] bergs[~90′ high]. (MWR).
Mar 11 SS “Moravia” 42N 4748’W passed 1 berg 100′ high & several small ones. (MWR).
Mar 11 SS “Hartville” 4320’N 47W collided with large berg & sustained damage. (MWR).
Mar 11 4257’N 4728’W a large berg.
Mar 11 4350’N 4920’W a large number of bergs.
Mar 11-13 4426’N 4620’W to 42N 4016’W, 3 large bergs.
Mar 12 SS “State of Nevada” 4310’N 477’W & 4231’N 4819’W passed large berg. (MWR).
Mar 12 SS “Eider” 4043’N 4846’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Mar 12 SS “Alsatia” 4115’N 4750’W passed 2 bergs. (MWR).
Mar 12 SS “Belgravia” 4210’N 4744’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Mar 12 SS “Donau” 4158’N 4821’W passed bergs. (MWR).
Mar 12 4250’N 4856’W a large berg.
Mar 12 4206’N 5011’W, 3 small berg.
Mar 12 4206’N 5043’W a berg of moderate size.
Mar 12 4210’N 4744’W to 4150’N 4834’W, 5 large and several small bergs.
Mar 12 4229’N 51W a very large berg.
Mar 12 4231’N 4819’W a berg
Mar 12 45N 49W a field of ice.
Mar 12 4210’N 4910’W, 4 large bergs.
Mar 13 SS “State of Nevada” ~ 4206’N 5058’W passed several bergs. [ 426’N 5011’W, 3 small ones; 426’N 5043’W a moderate sized one – MWR]
Mar 13 SS “Alsatia” 4114’N 4817’W passed between 3 bergs; 41N 497’W passed north of 2 large bergs. (MWR).
Mar 13 SS “Toronto” 4430’N 4723’W and 445’N 4845’W encountered field ice. (MWR).
Mar 13 SS “British Crown” 4520’N 4910’W for 3 hours passed bergs. (MWR).
Mar 13 SS “Holland” 4352’N 4657’W, 4328’N 4757’W and 4318’N 4824’W encountered bergs. (MWR).
Mar 13 4239’N 4908’W, 2 bergs; others seen ~10m south.
Mar 13 46N 50W a large berg and field ice.
Mar 13? 4451’N 4822’W a very large berg and a lot of drift ice.
Mar 13 SE edge of the Banks, a large field of ice extending 25m with some very large bergs in it.
Mar 14 SS “Slavonia” 43[48-NYMR]13’N 4613’W passed bergs. (MWR).
Mar 14 SS “Borderer” 4329’N 484’W passed a large berg and several small pieces; 43N 4920’W a large berg.(MWR). Mar 15 SS “Trove” [“Trave”] [from 4148’N 5640’W to – MWR] 4226’N 5049’W passed [14] 100(?) small bergs from noon till 8pm.
Mar 15 SS “Slavonia” ~ 4308’N 4942’W passed several bergs and one icefield; 14th, ~ 4303’N 4633’W a berg. [MWR: from 4256’N 4810’W to 4316’N 4950’W passed 11 bergs and field ice; 437’N 4952’W passed a berg.]
Mar 15 SS “Australia” 4310’N 4952’W passed a berg; 4310’N 474’W passed 9 bergs, 3 of them being each ~100′ high. (MWR).
Mar 15 4311’N 4737’W, 9 bergs were passed in 4 hours time, 3 of them were 100′ high, the others from 20′-30′ high. [same as above ?]
Mar 15 SS “Gellert” passed bergs as follows: 4159’N 4719’W, 1 ~50′ high and 400′ long; 4132’N 4744’W, 1 ~100′ high; 4113’N 4750’W, one. (MWR).
Mar 15 SS “Britannic” from 4332’N 4829’W to 432’N 501’W sighted and passed field ice. (MWR).
Mar 15 4322’N 4829’W to 432’N 497’W numerous bergs, large and small, and much field ice. [same as above ?]
Mar 15 4146’N 5057’W a berg.
Mar 15 42N 48W a berg.
Mar 15 4214’N 5219’W several bergs and detached pieces of ice.
Mar 15 42?40’N 49-71[!], 5 bergs, 2 of enormous size & a quantity of broken ice.
Mar 15 4256’N 4950’W several bergs.
Mar 15 4316’N 4808’W several bergs.
Mar 15 44N 4749’W several bergs and detached pieces of ice.
Mar 15 4520’N 4910’W heavy field ice and bergs.
Mar 15 4154’N 4716’W 3345’N[!] 5237’W, 6 large bergs.
Mar 16 SS “Island” 43N 47W passed several small bergs. (MWR).
Mar 16 SS “Bavarian” 4248’N 4928’W and 4252’N 4956’W passed large bergs. (MWR).
Mar 16 SS “Concordia” 4140’N 5112’W, 2 large bergs. (MWR).
Mar 16 4240’N 5125’W a small berg.
Mar 16 4428’N 4606’W a berg.
Mar 17 SS “Circassia” 4312’N 4727’W passed bergs. (MWR).
Mar 17 SS “La Bourgogne” 4240’N 492’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Mar 17 SS “Wingates” 4840’N 4730’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Mar 17 4310’N 4726’W, 2 small bergs.
Mar 17 4205’N 52W, 2 very large bergs.
Mar 18-19 SS “Wingates” between 4705’N 49W and 4612’N 51W passed heavy field ice and several bergs. (MWR).
Mar 18 4230’N 5045’W a berg.
Mar 18 4243’N 5014’W, 4 bergs.
Mar 18 43N 4920’W, 4 bergs.
Mar 18 42N 58[!]W a large berg.
Mar 19 SS “Ems” 4222’N 4928’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Mar 19 SS “State of Nebraska” ~ 4246’N 4939’W passed 3 bergs; 20th, ~ 4212’N 5610’W, 3 bergs.
Mar 19 SS “Hartville” at Halifax from Norfolk for Liverpool with smashed port bow after collision with iceberg.
Mar 19 4234’N 5024’W, 6 large bergs.
Mar 19 43N 4853’W, 6 large bergs.
Mar 19 4320’N 4840’W a very large berg and a number of large ice floes.
Mar 19 43N 49W, 4 enormous bergs and a quantity of field ice.
Mar 20 SS “Wingates” 4505’N 5330’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Mar 20 Fishing schooner “Frank A. Williams” encountered a field of ice at night while lying-to about 20m southeast of Sable Is. The ice came down on the vessel with great rapidity and by morning she was completely blocked. The ice began to break up a few hours after daylight on the 21st and the schooner was liberated after having received such injuries as to cause her to leak. (MWR).
Mar 20 4232’N 50W a large berg, 300′ long and 30′[?] high.
Mar 20 4234’N 4934’W a large berg.
Mar 21 SS “Warwick” 4243’N 4935’W, 4230’N 503’W and 4230’N 5010’W passed bergs. (MWR).
Mar 22 SS “Lessing” 429’N 5155’W passed a berg ~150′ high [with numerous small pieces near]; 428’N 52?’W a small one. (MWR).
Mar 22 SS “Republic” between 4?N and 4330’N and 49W and 50W passed bergs. (MWR).
Mar 22 4242’N 4935’W several bergs.
Mar 22 4324’N 4930’W several bergs.
Mar 23 SS “Republic” ~ 4233’N 5640’W passed several icebergs.
Mar 23 SS “Helvetia” 4230’N 4821’W, 4228’N 496’W and 4217’N 4955’W passed bergs. Mar 23 Reports received from Newfoundland stated that the coast around St.John’s was packed with ice and that vessels ready for sea were unable to proceed. The steamer “Newfoundland” was to have sailed 22nd for Halifax but had not been able to leave up to the evening of the 23rd.
Mar 24 SS “Etruria” 4238’N 4840’W passed a medium sized berg; 4224’N 49W passed a berg. (MWR).
Mar 24 SS “Carthagenian” 4216’N 5108’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Mar 24 SS “Newfoundland” encountered a tremendous field icefield off Cape Race on the night of the 24th and had to remain on the edge of it until the following morning when she passed through, the passage taking 3 hours. Her bow was damaged by ice. On the 25th vessels were seen on the outer edge being unable to continue on their way. (MWR).
Mar 25 SS “Istrian” 44N 4915’W passed bergs. (MWR).
Mar 25 SS “Jan Breydel” 4330’N 4920’W passed 2 bergs [~60′ high]. (MWR).
Mar 26 SS “Llandaff City” 4254’N 5037’W passed 2 large bergs [450′ long and 70′ high, and other small ones].(MWR).
Mar 26 SS “Prussian” 4236’N 4830’W passed a small berg. (MWR).
Mar 26 SS “Polaria” 4240’N 5056’W passed quantities of drift ice. (MWR).
Mar 26 Barquentine “Susan” from St. John’s for Barbados collided with berg off Cape Broyle; 5 drowned.
Mar 26 Schooner “Susan” struck berg off the narrows. (fgmm).
Mar 26 4419’N 49W, 6 large bergs.
Mar 26? 4308’N 4930’W icefields.
Mar 27 SS “Dominion” 4330’N 49W passed 3 large bergs. (MWR).
Mar 28 SS “Newfoundland” at Halifax from St. John’s with considerable bow damage sustained off Cape Race.
Mar 28 Reports from Newfoundland stated that the coast surrounding St. John’s was packed with ice and that vessels ready for sea are unable to leave port.
Mar 28 4220’N 4815’W, 2 large bergs.
Mar 29 Schooner “Bessie” met ice at Cape Race from Boston to St. John’s and put towards Trepassey. Next morning thrown high and dry (ice?) on the sinking rocks Drift Cove and broke up on the 10th.
Mar 31 4220’N 70[!]W much drift ice was seen.


Apr ? 4120’N 50W several large bergs.
Apr ? 45N 4958’W a large berg.
Apr ? 46N 44W a berg.
Apr ? SS “Nestorian” at Quebec from London passed miles and miles of ice from 16[!]54’N 5845’W to 4820’N 61W.
Apr 1 SS “Werra” [4252’N 4819’W] a berg; 2nd, 4220’N 4950’W a berg and several small pieces.
Apr 2 SS “Palestine” 43N 49W, 2 small bergs. (MWR).
Apr 2 SS “Austrian” 43N 4811’W, 1 berg. (MWR).
Apr 3 SS “Venetian” 48N 3818’W a piece of ice. (MWR).
Apr 3 42N 50W a large berg ~300′ high and 300′ long.
Apr 4 SS “British Queen” 4416’N 4908’W, 2 bergs. (MWR).
Apr 4 SS “Austrian” several large bergs off Cape Race. (MWR).
Apr 4 SS “Ludgate Hill” 4304’N 4956’W, 1 very large berg. (MWR).
Apr 4 SS “Baltic” 4047’N 4920’W, 2 pieces of ice. (MWR).
Apr 5 Sealing schooner “Bellerophonee” of Twillingate crushed in the ice and abandoned. Schooner “Sussanah” of Twillingate save seals and crew.
Apr 5 SS “Baltic” 4247’N 4920’W. 2 large bergs. (MWR).
Apr 5 SS “Adriatic” from 4304’N 4920’W to 4259’N 4950’W, 4 bergs & 2 floes. (MWR).
Apr 5 SS “Hungaria” from 4214’N 4922’W to 42N 4955’W small bergs. (MWR).
Apr 5 SS “Montauk” 4330′[20′]N 4935’W, 3 small bergs. (MWR).
Apr 5 SS “Ems” 4355’N 4902’W field ice. (MWR).
Apr 6 SS “Hungarian” 4214’N 4922’W to 4210’N 4955’W bergs. (MWR).
Apr 6 4215’N 4020’W, 2 small bergs.
Apr 7 SS “Sueva” 4244’N 4923’W small pieces of ice. (MWR).
Apr 7 SS “Umbria” 4228’N 4833’W, 1 berg. (MWR).
Apr 7 SS “Austrian” 2 large bergs off Ferryland Head. (MWR).
Apr 8 SS “Austrian” 4456’N 5530’W several large bergs. (MWR).
Apr 8 SS “Siberian” 4228’N 4828’W, 1 large bergs. (MWR).
Apr 8 SS “Arabic” 4234’N 47[49]53’W a [small] berg to north.
Apr 8 SS “Rotterdam” 4228’N 4828’W, 1 small berg. (MWR).
Apr 8 SS “Circassian” 4321’N 5027’W, 1 small berg. (MWR).
Apr 8 4228’N 4820’W a large berg.
Apr 10 SS “Mentmore” 4110’N 50W, 3 large bergs. (MWR). Apr 10 SS “Rotterdam” 4155’N 4923’W passed [12m] north of 2 large bergs. (MWR).
Apr 12 SS “Trave” 4207’N 4946’W a small berg.
Apr 12 SS “Bulgarian” from 4304’N 4927’W to 4303’N 5019’W, 2 [large] bergs. (MWR).
Apr 13 4315’N 5010’W on the Banks, 4 large bergs.
Apr 14 SS “Wetherby” 4202’N 4820’W, 1 large berg. (MWR).
Apr 14 4202’N 48W a large berg.
Apr 14 Bark “Maury” 4530’N 48W, 3 small bergs. (MWR).
Apr 15 4230’N 51W, 3 very large bergs.
Apr 16 SS “Portia” heavy field ice 65m E of Cape Breton; cleared it 15m N of Sable Island [36 hours later; field extended as far as could be seen from the masthead]. (MWR).
Apr 16 Bark “Maury” 43N 50W [7 very] large bergs and field ice. (MWR).
Apr 17 SS “State of Nevada” 4002’N 5004’W, 1 small berg. (MWR).
Apr 18 SS “Glueckauf” 4202’N 4954’W, 1 [25′ high] berg. (MWR).
Apr 18,20,21 Ice at sea off St. John’s. (MWR).
Apr 19 SS “Zaandam” 4128′[35′]N 4749’W, 1 berg. (MWR0.
Apr 19 SS “Nova Scotian” 48N 5105’W, 1 small berg. (MWR).\
Apr 20 SS “Straits of Gibraltar” 4230’N 4650’W pieces of field ice. (MWR).
Apr 20 SS “Nova Scotian” large quantities of heavy ice in St. John’s entrance. (MWR).
Apr 21 SS “La Bretagne” 4336’N 4734’W, 3 small bergs. (MWR).
Apr 21 SS “Newfoundland” ice on Misaine Bank, S of Liscomb, and packed ice off Witchaven [it extended so far S that its southern limit could not be seen]. (MWR).
Apr 21 SS “St. Pierre” heavy field ice from Cape Breton to Beaver Island. (MWR).
Apr 21 3956’N 4902’W a berg.
Apr 22 SS “Ashburne” 4340’N 4640’W, 1 large berg. (MWR).
Apr 23 [SS “Highland Prince”] 4627’N 4903’W several [3 large] bergs.
Apr 23 SS “Nova Scotian” several large bergs between Cape Spear and Cape Race. (MWR).
Apr 23 SS “Lufra” several large bergs 80m S of Virgin Rocks. (MWR).
Apr 25 SS “Nova Scotian” 4408’N 6147’W field ice. (MWR).
Apr 25 Brig “Edith” from Shoreham for PEI put into Torbay on account of the ice. She was only 12 days from the Isle of Wight to Scatary Is., where she encountered ice yesterday week. A heavy body of ice is now moving off the coast in shore.
Apr 26 Bark “Joe Read” caught in the ice off Canso and carried onto reef and lost.
Apr 28 SS “Samaria” 4240’N 5001’W, 1 moderate sized berg. (MWR).
Apr 28 SS “Hermann” from 42N 49W to 42N 51W several bergs. (MWR).
Apr 29 4220’N 50W a berg 10m NW½N.
Apr 29 4220’N 5028’W a large berg surrounded by pack ice.
Apr 29 4243’N 50W a berg 160′ high.
Apr 29 Bark “Finn” at Halifax from Tuborg unable to reach Sheet Harbour, NS on account of the ice, having passed 200m of it; badly chafed and stem split.
Apr 29 SS “Samaria” 4223’N 5007’W, 1 large berg. (MWR).
Apr 29 SS “Oregon” 4627’N 5428’W, 1 berg. (MWR).
Apr 29 SS “Hibernian” 4220’N 5018’W, 1 small berg. (MWR).
Apr 29 4212’N 5018’W a berg.
Apr 30 SS “Werra” 4223’N 5020’W passed a large berg with several pieces of ice around.
Apr 30 SS “De Ruyter” 4337’N 48N, 1 berg [30′ high and 200′ long]. (MWR).

May Several vessels reporting in NYMR extensive ice in the mouth of the gulf.
May 1 4330’N 4804’W a berg ~72′ high and 260′ long and 5 other small ones. ( MWR).
May 3 4404’N 4834’W a berg apparently 200′ high and ½m long.
May 11 In this issue, reports of quite a few casualties of the Cape Breton coasts.