Charts 1884

Almost maximum amount +1.5. (M).
A considerable volume. (GR).
Feb 15th, heavy ice off Ferryland. May 23rd, berg 1½m long near St. John’s; a low berg. May 28th, berg 3m long off Torbay. (GR).
Feb 25 SS “Arctic” reports ice breadth at 200m SE of C. Spear. (GR).
Northern ice at St. John’s arrived Jan 21st, departed Apr 2. (GR).
At Ferryland, though severe frost, no drift ice worth talking about and navigation was not closed for one day up to Apr 6. (JW in GR).
Twillingate Diary: Harbour full of ice by Jan 15, lots of ice and no sailing until Apr 25 when ice went out and vessels sailed. Harbour still largely full of ice through May making access difficult. Jun 6, SS “Plover” arrived from St. John’s first time this spring. Jun 20, harbour blocked by ice to schooners. (#509).
The whaler “Aurora” left Dundee Jan 30; Feb 23, encountered first ice soon in thick pack 220m from St. John’s; 24th, Cape Bonavista in sight. “Arctic” sailed 10 days after us but in St. John’s before us; Mar 10, left St. John’s into ice outside Narrows; 13th, sealing in Bonavista Bay; 21st, drifting south during sealing, now not far from St. John’s; 22nd, St. John’s; Apr 2, sailed for 2nd hunt, good deal of ice but easily avoided; 19th, returned St. John’s [from where not clear] as neared St. John’s, ice less; May 8, sailed for whale fishery; Sept 22, Dundee, “Narwhal” lost. (DML).
Newfoundland coast full (of ice), till October (#93).
Mission ship “Harmony” on her voyage to Hopedale, Labrador was not impeded by drift ice though many icebergs were seen at a distance. (EW).
NYMR reports (except as noted):


Jan 29 Cold snap of between -10 and -15F [-23 -26C]. (Newf.).
Jan 31 SS “City of Montreal” 4625’N 4654’W passed great quantities of field ice, steered 4 hours SW to clear it.
Feb 1 SS “Holland” 4544’N 38[!]30’W a quantity of field ice 50m long bearing SE and NE with several small bergs about 100′ in diameter on SE side.
Feb 1 SS “Main” sustained ice damage on crossing.
Feb 2 SS “Notting Hill” 46N 4620’W collided with an iceberg and abandoned on the 5th.
Feb 2 SS “England” 4528’N 4749’W a large quantity of field ice.
Feb 2 SS “Wyoming” from 4550’N 4822’W to 4507’N 4851’W passed through large quantities of field ice. (MWR).
Feb 3 SS “Rhaetia” 4452’N to 4453’N, 4938’W to 4956’W large fields of ice.
Feb 3 SS “Caspian” 4710’N 48W passed to the S of some field ice.
Feb 3 SS “Westernland” 4530’N 4730’W large quantities of field ice
Feb 4 SS “Salerno” 4423’N 4830’W some field ice.
Feb 4 SS “Kansas” 4614’N 47W, 4 moderate sized bergs.
Feb 4 SS “Sidonian” was passed in 4502’N 4807’N with ice damage.
Feb 4 SS “State of Georgia” 4516’N 4813’W came up with several large patches of loose field ice which extended N and S as far as could be seen from the topsail yard. It extended eastward to 4523’N 4724’W. (MWR).
Feb 5 SS “State of Nebraska” 4615’N 4620’W some detached ice.
Feb 6 SS “Moravia” 4430’N 4825’W a berg.
Feb 6 SS “Republic” 4525’N 4820’W a quantity of small ice.
Feb 7 SS “Habsburg” 4445’N 49W, 2 small bergs.
Feb 8 SS “Lydian Monarch” 4644’N 4550’W a berg.
Feb 9 SS “Rugia” 4104’N 4718’W to 4434’N 4850’W 3 bergs.
Feb 9 SS “Chateau Lafite” 4250’N 49W a berg.
Feb 9 SS “Ludgate Hill” 4538’N 4725’W a berg.
Feb 10? SS “Leerdam” 4610’N 5010’W a quantity of drift ice.
Feb 13 SS “Erin” ~ 4524’N 4433’W passed field ice and wreckage.
Feb 13 SS “Daniel Steinmann” 4516’N 4422’W passed near a large berg. (MWR).
Feb 14 SS “Switzerland” 4439’N 4928’W(?) a quantity of light field ice and Feb 18, 4545’N 4529’W, 1m N of berg 500′ long and 100′ high.
Feb 14 SS “Wieland” 4650’N 4345’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Feb 15 SS “Wieland” 4544’N 4743’W passed through several fields of ice. (MWR).
Feb 15? SS “Nevada” 4615’N 4419’W a berg.
Feb 16 SS “Rhynland” between 4512’N 4658’W and 44N 4850’W passed a number of bergs, some quite large, also in 4422’N 4825’N passed quantities of light field ice. (MWR).
Feb 16 SS “Marengo” 4418’N 4840’W passed 3 bergs and a quantity of field ice; many seals were seen; vessel steamed S for 2 hours into open water. (MWR).
Feb 17 SS “Brooklyn City” 43N 48W fell in with field ice and had to steer SSE for 12 hours to clear it. (MWR). Feb 17 SS “Frisia” 4404’N 4905’W passed through rough field ice. (MWR).
Feb 17 SS “Sardinian” entered loose field ice in 4423’N 4848’W; cleared it in 4335’N 49W. (MWR).
Feb 18 SS “Wisconsin” 4347’N 4833’W passed a berg ~500′ long and 30′ high, also a quantity of field ice. (MWR).
Feb 19 SS “Amerique” 4405’N 5130’W passed 5 bergs. (MWR).
Feb 19 SS “Richmond Hill” 4341’N 4631’W passed a large berg and saw several others, together with much field ice. (MWR).
Feb 20 SS “City of Richmond” 4310’N 48-49W sighted 7 bergs, one ~200′ long and ~30′ high. (MWR).
Feb 20 SS “Egyptian Monarch” 4352’N [4252’N -NYMR] 48W passed 9 bergs and much drift ice. (MWR).
Feb 20 SS “Grecian” 4425’N 4612’W passed a very large flat berg. (MWR).
Feb 20 SS “Salier” between 4456’N 4751’W and 4340’N 4945’W passed numerous bergs and immense ice fields.(MWR).
Feb 20 SS “Republic” 4415’N 4611’W passed 2 pieces of ice. (MWR).
Feb 21 SS “Adriatic” 4339’N 49W passed 4 bergs and a quantity of field ice. (MWR).
Feb 21 SS “Edam” 4340’N 47W passed many bergs and much field ice. (MWR).
Feb 21 SS “State of Nebraska” 4352’N 4526’W passed a very large berg. (MWR).
Feb 21 4347’N 4548’W a large field of ice.
Feb 22 SS “Curlew” was obliged by the ice to come back 20th but left again yesterday. (Newf.).
Feb 22 SS “Arizona” 4254’N 4920’W passed 3 bergs each ~40′ high & 400′ long. (MWR).
Feb 23 SS “Hohenstaufen” saw a bark with flag but unable to get closer than 4m, ice being so thick and closely packed. [from 4328’N 4826’W to 4256’N 4925’W passed through large fields of ice and saw several bergs – MWR]
Feb 23 SS “France” 4427’N 4559’W passed 2 bergs. (MWR).
Feb 23 SS “Assyrian Monarch” 4245’N 4935’W passed 3 bergs and a few miles further west passed a quantity of field ice. (MWR).
Feb 23 Bark “Geo. Peabody” was abandoned in the ice in 4222’N 4857’W with bows stove and rudder damaged.(MWR).
Feb 23 SS “Circassian” 4350’N 4605’W passed a large quantity of field ice; to the northward the ice appeared closely packed, with several large bergs amongst it. (MWR).
Feb 23-24 SS “Gloucester” 4402’N 4718’W sighted numerous icebergs and field ice; steamed southward and on the 24th was surrounded by field ice; had port bow damaged. (MWR).
Feb 23-24 SS “Ohio” 4440’N 4540’W saw a berg; at midnight fell in with field ice and got clear of it on the 24th in 4236’N 50W. (MWR).
Feb 24 SS “Ohio” 4230’N 51W passed a berg~75′ high and 1/4m long. (MWR).
Feb 24 SS “Circassian” 4321’N 4717’W passed a large berg, 4310’N 4906’W met light field ice and in 4220’N 51W sighted a berg to the northward. (MWR).
Feb 25 SS “California” 4205’N 4945’W passed a berg and some field ice. (MWR).
Feb 25 SS “Wieland” 4213’N 5020’W passed some field ice. (MWR).
Feb 26 Dundee steamer “Arctic” arrived here yesterday in 17 days. Since 22nd she has steamed through ice. (Newf.).
Feb 26 SS “State of Alabama” 4413’N 4856’W fell in with large quantities of field ice which extended to 4231’N 4931’W, also passed several bergs. (MWR).
Feb 26 SS “Servia” 4314’N 4813’W passed several bergs and much field ice. (MWR).
Feb 26 SS “Pennland” from 4334’N 4837’W to 4210’N 5036’W passed 6 bergs and large fields of ice. (MWR).
Feb 26 SS “Rhein” 4425’N 4537’W passed a large berg, also in 4353’N 4840’W passed 15 others; in 4345’N 4910’W met an enormous field of ice – could not see open water; the field was ~36m in length. (MWR).
Feb 27 SS “Azalea” 47N [perhaps 46N -NYMR] 44W passed several bergs. (MWR).
Feb 27 Ship “Wilhelm” from Bremen to New York struck a berg ~200 yards long and 20′ high in 4430’N 4840’W.
Feb 28 SS “Norseman” at Boston reported that from 4330′ to 42N and from 47-50W she steamed along a solid wall of ice for a distance of 110m; at the same time a large number of bergs were in sight, extending as far as the eye could reach; some of the bergs were apparently 100′ high. (MWR).
Feb 28 SS “Baltic” 4332’N 4754’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Feb 28 Bark “Cuba” 4233’N 51W passed 25 bergs. (MWR).
Feb 29 SS “Baltic” 4242’N 5034’W passed a very large berg, also 4236’N 5112’W passed several large bergs. (MWR).
Feb 29 SS “Catalonia” between 4235’N 5020’W and 4227’N 5132’W passed several bergs and a large ice field.(MWR).
Feb 29 SS “Labrador” 4230’N 5020’W passed a number of bergs and large fields of ice. (MWR).
Feb 29 SS “Lord Gough” 43N 47W passed 5 bergs. (MWR).


Mar ? 4329’N 4757’W numerous and large bergs.
Mar ? Between 4440′-43N and 4530′-52W a number of bergs.
Mar ? 4440’N 46W several large bergs [cf. Mar 2].
Mar ? 44N 43W a large berg was passed. Mar ? From 46N 4220’W to 4210’N 5130’W several large and small bergs were passed.
Mar ? 4323’N 4606’W several bergs were passed.
Mar 1 SS “Azalea” 42N 50W passed several bergs. (MWR).
Mar 2 SS “Pavonia” between 4212’N 5020’W and 4205’N 5054’W passed 7 bergs. (MWR).
Mar 2 SS “Persian Monarch” 4409’N 45W passed a number [26] of bergs. (MWR).
Mar 2 SS “Abyssinia” from 4250’N 48W to 4230’N 5210’W passed from 60 to 70 large and small bergs and many detached pieces of ice. (MWR).
Mar 2 4441’N 46W a large quantity of ice.
Mar 3 SS “Geiser” 43N 52W saw ~20 bergs. (MWR).
Mar 3 SS “Rialto” between 4424’N 4702’W & 4329’N 5050’W passed many bergs. (MWR).
Mar 3 42N 50W a berg~500′ high and a large quantity of field ice.
Mar 4 SS “Main” between 4433’N 4508’W and 4234N 5125’W passed a large number of bergs and an ice field [island] ~2m long and 20′ high; also several pieces of [field] ice. (MWR).
Mar 4 43N 46’W a berg was passed.
Mar 5 SS “Clintonia” 4515’N 4530’W passed 5 [large] bergs. (MWR).
Mar 5 4050’N 49W, 20 bergs.
Mar 6 SS “Britannic” 4216’N 4803’W passed a berg ~70′ high and 250′ long, also 4206’N 5013’W passed 2 small bergs. (MWR).
Mar 6 SS “The Queen” between 4252’N 4808’W and 4245’N 4855’W passed several large bergs and a quantity of small ice. (MWR).
Mar 6 SS “Clintonia” 4328’N 5030’W passed 4 large bergs. (MWR).
Mar 7 SS “Gellert” 4224’N 4754’W passed a large berg.
Mar 7 SS “Gallia” 44N 4330’W passed a berg, also 15m farther west passed a quantity of field ice. (MWR).
Mar 8 SS “Gallia” 4234’N 4723’W passed a berg, also 4210’N 5125’W passed another ~12m north of the ship, also 4208’N 5151’W passed 3 bergs. (MWR).
Mar 8 SS “Furnessia” from 4426’N 4415’W to 4412’N 4442’W passed several small bergs. (MWR).
Mar 8 SS “Italy” 4420’N 4540’W passed several large bergs. (MWR).
Mar 8 SS “Cornwall” between 4344’N 4710’W and 4320’N 5018’W passed a number of bergs. 2 being of immense length – NYMR.
Mar 8 SS “St. Laurent” 4428’N 4607’W passed 2 bergs, [passed ~4m south of a berg ~½m long and 50′ high- (also MWR)] also 4353’N 4825’W passed an ice field. (MWR).
Mar 8 Ship “Wilhelm” 4120’N 5406’W saw numerous bergs. (MWR).
Mar 8 4430’N 4530’W 2 large bergs.
Mar 9 SS “Italy” 4235’N 5022’W passed 2 bergs. (MWR).
Mar 9 SS “St. Laurent” 4330’N 5023’W passed a small berg. (MWR).
Mar 9 Bark “Orpheus” 4251’N 4710’W passed 7 small bergs ranging from 80′ to 150′ high. (MWR).
Mar 9 Ship “Anna” 4411’N 4355’W passed a large berg ~120′ high. (MWR).
Mar 9 4220’N 51W, 2 bergs and some field ice were passed.
Mar 10 SS “Donau” between 4351’N 4451’W and 4252’N 4849’W passed several icebergs. (MWR).
Mar 10 SS “Grecian” 4218’N 49W passed a large berg, also passed 2 bergs in 4230’N 4820’W. (MWR).
Mar 10 Bark “Montreal” 43N 50W passed several [large] bergs. (MWR).
Mar 10 SS “Weser” at New York reported between 4430′-4230’N and 46-52W passed numerous large bergs.(MWR).
Mar 10 SS “Katie” 4340’N 4443’W passed 3 bergs one of which was ~40′ and the others~30′ high. (MWR).
Mar 10 4120’N 52W fields of ice and many icebergs were passed.
Mar 11 SS “France” 4307’N 4204’W passed a berg ~65′ high & nearly 1m long. (MWR).
Mar 11 Bark “Orpheus”4250’N 5112’W saw several bergs. (MWR).
Mar 12 Bark “Racer” at Greenock from St. John’s damaged by ice.
Mar 12 SS “Grecian Monarch” 4208’N 5057’W passed 3 bergs. (MWR).
Mar 12 4306’N 4340’W a large berg.
Mar 12 4258’N 4512’W a number of bergs were passed.
Mar 13 SS “Circassian” 4106’N 4925’W and 4222’N 4615’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Mar 13 Ship “Anna” 4229’N 4846’W passed a small berg [50′ high]. (MWR).
Mar 15 SS “Bolivia” 4326’N 4229’W [49′-NYMR] passed a small berg. (MWR).
Mar 15 SS “Thetis” 4645’N 4731’W passed through 75m of ice. (MWR).
Mar 15 SS “Illinois” 4258’N 4305’W passed a large berg 50′ or 60′ high. (MWR).
Mar 15 SS “Silesia” between 4403’N 4530’W and 4332’N 4714’W [40′-NYMR] passed several large bergs.(MWR).
Mar 15 SS “Thingvalla”4558’N 4127’W passed a large berg. (MWR). Mar 15 SS “Canada” between 4551’N 4208’W and 4346’N 4643’W passed several bergs. (MWR).
Mar 16 SS “Iowa” 45N 4130’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Mar 16 SS “Lord Clive” 44N 43W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Mar 17 SS “State of Nebraska” from 4243’N 4725’W to 4237’N 4935’W passed several bergs and some small pieces of ice. (MWR).
Mar 17 SS “Thingvalla” passed several icebergs between 4340’N 4730’W and 4246’N 5246’W. (MWR).
Mar 17 SS “Iowa” 4350’N 4444’W passed 3 bergs. (MWR).
Mar 17 4223’N 5150’W a berg ~100′ high was passed.
Mar 17 4245’N 4725’W a berg was passed.
Mar 18 SS “Lord Clive” crossed 50W in 4125’N and saw no ice. (MWR).
Mar 18 SS “Rhaetia” 4223’N 5150’W passed a berg ~100′ high. (MWR).
Mar 18 SS “Iowa” 4210’N 4942’W saw several bergs. (MWR).
Mar 18 Ship “Columbus” 4450’N 4520’W passed an ice field and ~20 large & small bergs. (MWR).
Mar 19 Ship “Columbus” 44N 46W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Mar 21 Reports from Tilt Cove say Green Bay is jammed with ice. (Newf.).
Mar 22 SS “Moravia” 4334’N 4538’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Mar 22 SS “Amerique” 4420’N 4433’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Mar 22 Ship “Columbus” 42N 4940’W passed a [very] large berg. (MWR).
Mar 22 SS “Habsburg” 4338’N 4439’W passed 3 small bergs. (MWR).
Mar 22 4337’N 4548’W a berg was passed.
Mar 23 SS “Lydian Monarch” 4335’N 4440’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Mar 23 SS “Sorento” 4145’N 5230’W passed a small berg. (MWR).
Mar 23 SS “Cephalonia” 4516’N 4234’W passed 2 bergs. (MWR).
Mar 23 SS “Werra” between 4357’N 42W & 4347’N 4234’W passed several bergs. (MWR).
Mar 23 SS “St. Laurent” 4210’N 5025’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Mar 24 SS “Lydian Monarch” 4148’N 5255’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Mar 24 Ship “Columbus” 4130’N 5347’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Mar 24 SS “City of Montreal” at Queenstown from New York passed a berg 200′ high and 400′ long.
Mar 24 4530’N 4037’W a large berg was passed.
Mar 25 Sealing in ice off Cape Bonavista. (Newf.).
Mar 25 SS “Eider” 4409’N 4027’W passed a berg bearing NNW, distant 15m. (MWR).
Mar 25 SS “Wieland” 4412’N 4458’W passed a berg 400′ long and 100′ high. (MWR).
Mar 26 SS “Eider” 4257’N 4958’W passed several small pieces of ice, also in 4255’N 5032’W a berg bearing N ~15m distant. (MWR).
Mar 26 Bark “Erinna” 4320’N 4850’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Mar 27 SS “Salerno” ~4236’N 4339’W passed a very large berg together with several small bergs. The large berg appeared to be ~1m long and 1m broad and the appearance of an island very dangerous to navigation especially in hazy weather. (MWR).
Mar 27 4409’N 4027’W a berg was passed.
Mar 28 SS “Ontario” 45N 4015’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Mar 28 4145’N 5003’W much ice was seen.
Mar 29 Ship “E.W. Stetson” 4205’N 5320’W passed 1 large and 2 small bergs. (MWR).
Mar 31 Schooner “Carrie Harvey” at Plymouth from Trepani for St. John’s damaged by ice and also by collision with a steamer.


Apr 2 SS “Tower Hill” at New York reported having passed large number of bergs between 4450’N 4726’W and 4323’N 51W. (MWR).
Apr 2 SS “Somerset” 4524’N 4334’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Apr 4 4307’N 5146’W a small berg was passed.
Apr 8 Mention of delays by fog, but ice not mentioned. (Newf.).
Apr 10 SS “Tiger” (Sealer) crushed in the ice off the Gulf of St. Lawrence and sank immediately (off Codroy).
Apr 11 SS “Labrador” 4311’N 5222’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Apr 12 SS “Circassian” 4258’N 4942’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Apr 12 SS “Oregon” 4423’N 5012’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Apr 13 SS “Bristol” at New York crossed 50W in 42N and saw no ice. (MWR).
Apr 13 SS “Llandaff City” at New York reported – saw no ice south of 42N. (MWR).
Apr 15 SS “Republic” 4113’N 4822’W passed a piece of ice. (MWR).
Apr 16 SS “Brooklyn City” 43N 53W passed 2 large bergs and a quantity of small ice. (MWR).
Apr 16 SS “Nevada” 4246’N 5115’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Apr 16 4308’N 4944’W a large berg.
Apr 17 SS “Oregon” 4230’N 52W saw several pieces of ice. (MWR). Apr 18 SS “Furnessia” 4240’N 5210’W passed a small berg. (MWR).
Apr 19 SS “Saint-Ronans” passed a large ice field, steered southward for 2 hours to clear it, its southern point was in 4133’N 4716’W. (MWR).
Apr 22 SS “Eider” 4357’N[37′-NYMR] 4909’W passed a large berg bearing N by W 1/4 W, 5m distant; 4356’N 4913’W passed another large berg, same bearings, 3m distant, both aground. In 4353’N 4924’W passed a large berg bearing N by W 1/4 W ~8m distant; 4347’N 5054’W passed a very large berg bearing N½W ~7m distant. (MWR).
Apr 22 44N 4849’W several large pieces of ice were passed.
Apr 23 SS “Lord Clive” 4240’W 4710’W passed a berg, also 4238’N 474’W passed 2 small bergs. (MWR).
Apr 23-29 SS “Lake Champlain” first met ice on the eastern edge of the Banks in 4550’N on 23rd, and continued to pass bergs till within a short distance of Cape Race; met gulf ice at midnight of 27th off South point, Anticosti, and cleared it at noon on the 29th, having steamed through 70m. (MWR).
Apr 24 SS “Arizona” 44N 4854’W passed a large berg, also 4354’N 4916’W passed 2 others. (MWR).
Apr 24 Bark “Victoria” 4126’N 4846’W berg 10m to N 200′ high and table shaped.
Apr 25 SS “Austral” 4210’N 5045’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Apr 25 SS “Grecian Monarch” 4220’N 5030’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Apr 25 4354’N 4916’W, 2 large bergs were passed.
Apr 25 44N 4854’W a large berg was passed.
Apr 26 SS “Bolivia” 4218’N 5031’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Apr 27 5118’N 5325’N a berg 3m long and about 70′ high.
Apr 29 Bark “Lynwood” 4515’N 5651’W [4651′-NYMR] passed 2 large bergs. (MWR).
Apr 29 Bark “Scotland” between 4410’N 4820’W and 44N 5110’W a number of bergs varying in length from 100′-500′. (MWR).
Apr 30 Issue: “To judge from the immense quantity of ice in the North Atlantic this season and its early movement southward, the coming season in the Polar regions will be a corresponding open one …. .”

May 2 Sealing steamer “Resolute” arrived yesterday with only 500 seals. She was unfortunately caught in the ice jam soon after leaving and only got clear late March only to be ice bound again, thereby, losing the whole season. (Newf.).
May 4 SS “Oder” 43N 50W passed a large berg. (MWR).
May 4? SS “Cornwall” 4220’N 52W berg 300′ high and 600′ long.
May 8 4335’N 4810’W a large berg.
May 8 SS “Ohio” 4230’N 4748’W passed 3 large and several small pieces. (MWR).
May 9 SS “Scythia” 4420’N 4556’W passed several small bergs. (MWR).
May 9 4308’N 50W a large berg and several pieces of ice.
May 10 SS “Scythia” 4353’N 4857’W passed 4 small bergs. (MWR).
May 31 “Hercules” arrived from the northward meeting ice between Twillingate and Fogo. Brought in the crew of the brig “Confederate” who abandoned the vessel when it was rafted in the ice 14m distant. (Newf.).