Charts 1879

Minimal amount -2. (M).
Very little south. (GR).
No ice south. Mar 12th, heavy ice NE and SE of Cape St. John. (GR).
No ice at St. John’s. Mar 8th, ice 100m NE of Groaix Island. (GR).
At Ferryland, no drift ice worth speaking of up to Apr 6. (JW in GR).
SS “Arizona” famous case (!?) hits berg and survives. (WCW).


Jan 4 French vessel “Adelaide Falquet” found icebound in Placentia Bay. (fgmm).
Jan 14 Halifax: A brigantine is fast in the ice off Cape George and the Gulf is reported full of ice. (LL).
Jan 15 Halifax: The straits of Canso are full of ice. (LL).
Jan 17 Halifax: Pictou Harbour is completely frozen over and teams are crossing on the ice. (LL).
Jan 18 Halifax: A snowstorm began this morning and continued all day. SS “Northern Light” left Georgetown (PEI) at 6 o’clock Jan 16. For two hours she had clear weather, and then got into heavy drift ice about 8 miles North of Pictou Island. The engines stopped soon after the steamer drifted eastwardly with the ice. (LL).
Jan 22 Reports from Pictou state that the Steamer “The Northern Light” is fast in the ice between Arisaig and Cape St. George, about 6 miles offshore. (LL).
Jan 29 The schooner “Ada R.” of and from Charlottetown (PEI) for Europe with oats, was driven ashore by ice on Bar Island, Strait of Canso she will probably be a total wreck. (LL). Feb 10 First severe snow storm of the winter. (PL).
Feb 19 Halifax, N.S: The American Schooner “Ratler” from Fortune Bay for Gloucester, with 40 barrels of herring was caught in ice 50 miles East of Scatterie and commenced to leak badly. She got to Pope’s Harbour where it was found necessary to run her ashore. (LL).


Mar 5 Cape Bonavista no ice; Tilt Cove – no ice in White Bay as far as Canada Head, though on the 6th some slob. (PL).
Mar 12 Tilt Cove – no water seen over slob and heavy ice away to the SE; bad heavy ice to the NE end of Horse Is. stretching away for and cutting close to the south of Grois Is. (Newf.).
Mar 15 Tilt Cove – light stirring slob off Cape John inside Gull Island. (PL).
Mar 25 Tilt Cove – little slob. (PL).
Mar 27 SS “Valetta” arrived from Portland, reports having passed through considerable quantity of ice off the Nova Scotia coast. (PL).
Mar 27 SS “Proteris”, first from the seal fishery arrived St. John’s with only 11,000 seals which is considered a miserable trip. The general prospects for the seal fishery are not promising at present. (NYMR).
Mar 28 First sealer arrivals, sealing on ice fields 80m off the land in the Strait of Belle Isle. (PL).
Mar 31 Sealing vessels are returning home, catches are plenty, 2 vessels, Aurora and Narwhal of Dundee are lost. (LL).


Apr 2 Tilt Cove – little slob. (PL).
(Appears a good year for the seal fishery). (PL).
Apr 24 Halifax N.S: The SS “George Shattuck” which arrived here yesterday from St. Pierre, Miq, left that place on Apr 21, and the same night at 1 o’clock encountered heavy ice 35 miles ESE of scatterie. Found the coast North of Sydney to Louisburg blocked with ice and could not get into Cow Bay. (LL).
Apr 28 Field ice left early from Magdalen Islands. Very little ice to be seen from the islands to the gulf. Gulf sealing good. (NYMR).
May 5 Ship “Hamilton” at Deal from Bakers Island for Hamburg reported that when off Cape He(?)?e(?) (Horn!??) came into collision with an iceberg and suffered some damage. (NYMR).
May 5 Bark “Signet” in ice for 15 days off Scaterie, received considerable damage. (NYMR).
May 13 Barque “Signet” arrived at North Sydney from Limerick, reports having been 15 days in the ice off Scatterie where the vessels sustained considerable damage having had her copper badly chafed. (LL).
May 14 (Issue): Newfoundland seal fishery average with good weather. (NYMR).

Nov 7 SS “Arizona” collided with berg, after ordering hard a’starboard and reversing the engines. Bows driven in 20 feet, but collision bulkhead held. 241m from St. John’s. (from description of inquiry early next year). (MMR).
Nov 11 Issue: describes the “Arizona”‘s collision with a berg ~300m E of St. John’s in dark and foggy conditions at 15½ mph crumpling ~20’ of the ship. No water beyond first compartment. Departed New York 4th for Liverpool arrived St. John’s 9th and left again towards the end of the month. (Newf.).