Charts 1941


Feb 22 4540’N 5725’W drifting ice.
Feb 23 Between 47 and 48N and 44 and 49(?)W heavy pack ice was reported, also in 45(?)N and 5830’W.


Mar 5? 4817’N 50(?)25’W and 4743’N 5424’W icebergs reported in these positions.
Mar 6? 4450’N to 4545’N along the meridian 58(?)W thick pack ice was sighted.
Mar 12 4635’N 53W, 62m off Cape Race a field of ice(?) was sighted 10m by ½m in size.
Mar 12 Mild weather, sunshine and rain. No indications of ice. (DN).
Mar 15 Ice reported around Montreal\St. Lawrence River. Ice breakers were beginning to break ice in the estuary of the river. (DN).
Mar 28 4857’N 5002’W growlers were reported east of Newfoundland.


Apr 25 It was feared that 5 boats departed from Triton, for the seal hunt, would have been caught in the ice, but the boats steered clear of running ice and tragedy was avoided. (DN).
Apr 27 5635’N 4149’W a large berg. (Above entries barely legible)

May 1 Drift ice in the Gulf. (DN).