Charts 1935


Feb 5 Norwegian SS “Spec” bound from Glasgow to Boston transmitted message that she was in a severe storm and in thick ice off the Newfoundland coast. Never heard from again. (JPA).
Feb 13 from 4819’N 4836’W to 4816’N 4819’W heavy field of pack ice. From 4816’N 4919’W to 484’N 4831’W thence to 4754’N 4845’W an extensive ice field.
Feb 15 From 4708’N 4652’W to 47N 4644’W heavy field ice which extended to the northward and westward as far as could be seen.
Feb 28 From 4820’N 4932’W to 4745’N 5040’W encountered heavy ice fields; 4812’N 4920’W a large berg ~400′ long and 80′ high; from 4745’N 5040’W to 4635’N 5255’W heavy slob ice.


Mar 5 Vessel damaged by drift ice off Nova Scotia coast.
Mar 7 SS “Aladdin” from Louisburg put into St. John’s with ice damage and water in the forepeak.
Mar 8 Between 4345’N 58W and 4341’N 5815’W large patches of field ice.
Mar 8 4715’N 5055’W heavy field ice as far as could be seen in all directions.
Mar 15 (from New York): SS “Black Hawk” had 20 plates replaced due to ice damage sustained while in ice for 5 hours off the Newfoundland coast.
Mar 25 4439’N 4523’W a low growler.
Mar ~28 CG Cutter “Mendota” ordered to proceed to Cape Race to search for a 2 masted schooner reported caught in the ice.


Apr 9 (from St. John’s): SS “Tower Bridge” from Blyth to St. Johns, NB in 4720’N 4723’W No.1 hold filling rapidly, slow speed, course S, master indisposed. Later, SS “Newfoundland” 38m away proceeding to assist.
Apr 11 SS “Newfoundland” reported went through 20m of ice to reach “Tower Bridge” and within 8m of her when she signaled was in no immediate danger, pumps holding the leaks, believed to have struck an iceberg [14 plates later replaced]. Schooner [!] “Newfoundland” from Liverpool for Halifax arrived St. John’s and will drydock to replace propeller damaged by ice.
Apr 11 4332’N 60W a field of quite heavy ice.
Apr 11 Wood schooner “Saint Coulomb” hit berg in Labrador Sea and sank. (IIP59).
Apr 26 (from St. John’s): MV “Titanian” from Tyne for Port Alfred advises in 4806’N 4905’W surrounded by thick field ice, impossible to steam through on account of damage to stern post, requires assistance [“Imogene” bringing her in].

Oct 1 SS “Bright Fan” hit berg in Hudson Strait and sank. (IIP59).