Charts 1924


Feb 9 SS “Barrymore” 4752’N 4842’W encountered slob ice in large patches, cleared ice after steaming 57m at 240 [~WSW].
Feb 9-10 4809’N 4805’W and 4743’N 5046’W respectively steamed through large patches of slob ice.
Feb 13 “Sachem” 4503’N 5941’W to 4454’N 6022’W scattered patches of slob ice.
Feb 15 SS “Peveril” at St. John’s from Glasgow to Nova Scotia with bows damaged by ice and forepeak filled with water.
Feb 19 4410’N 5906’W ice field.
Feb 25 SS “West Aldora” 4415’N 49W encountered a field of heavy slob ice extending to the northward as far as the eye could see.
Feb~25 4621’N 4712’W to 4610’N 4720’W an ice field.
Feb 28 SS “Ampetee” 4335’N 4842’W passed through a belt of slob ice extending to the northward and southward.


Mar 4 Schooner “Gordon E. Moulton” from New York to Burgeo was badly damaged in the ice 25m off coast and abandoned in sinking condition off Burgeo.
Mar 4 43N 4940’W a little berg and 2 growlers.
Mar 8 St. John’s: The harbour blockaded by an ice field 6th was still closed to commerce today. Until the wind changes and scatters the pack, vessels will be unable to enter or leave. The mail steamer “Kyle” which sailed 6th is still fast in the ice outside the harbour but being carried south by the tide and will probably be free before morning, for Sydney.
Mar 11 “Trelyon” 4450’N 62W thence to 4445’N 6150’W large quantities of slob ice.
Mar 20 4518’N 4936’W a large berg.
Mar 23 4305’N 5010’W, IIP searched southern slope of Grand Banks – no ice.
Mar 25 4450’N 4905’W a berg.


Apr 3 4550’N 4930’W a berg and growler; 4603’N 5105’W a berg.
Apr 11 4040’N 4730’W near the remains of a berg.
Apr 17 4640’N 6158’W close packed ice.