Charts 1917


Feb 6 SS “Fram” 4910’N 4755’W passed much drift ice for 8 hours.
Feb 24 SS “Lyngenfjord” 4920’N 4840’W entered much field ice. The ice extended northward and southward as far as could be seen; 27th, 4521’N 5838’W saw considerable quantities of detached ice.


Mar 2 4731’N 4638’W several pieces of ice were passed.
Mar 8 SS “Drammensfjord” 46N 47W passed several bergs with much field ice.
Mar 10 SS “Drammensfjord” 4725’N 4025’W met field ice which extended to the NNW. We followed the edge of the field to 4611’N 4710’W during which time sighted several bergs and growlers; 10pm, 4610’N 4710’W passed a large berg.
Mar 12 All steamers sailed for seal fishery. Smallest outfit for 40 years in steam. (#866).
Mar 13 SS “Ranenfjord” 4630’N 4630’W to Mar 14th, 46N 4750’W passed large quantities of thick field ice.
Mar 14 4550’N 4830’W to 4430’N 4830’W an icefield and a small berg.
Mar 16 4808’N 4849’W a small berg.
Mar 18 4247’N 50W a berg ~300′ high.
Mar 18-19 Large quantities of ice in Cabot Strait.
Mar 18 Cape Race: Heavy field ice was sighted today drifting west.
Mar 19 4220’N 5004’W encountered field ice and growlers.
Mar 29 SS “Vinovia” 4226’N 5004’W encountered field ice and growlers and turned south to escape it.
Mar 31 East ice coming in and out. Had message “Hilda R” off Cape Race in ice. 2 men walked ashore, in dangerous position. Impossible tug to leave St. John’s. (#866).


Apr 2 4250’N 51W a small berg.
Apr 2 “Hilda R” towed into Fermeuse. (#866).
Apr 4 43N 52W a large berg.
Apr 9 “Bloodhound” jammed outside (Harbour Grace). (#866).
Apr 16 4305’N 5342’W a large berg ~300′ long and 150′ high.
Apr 19 4305’N 5342’W a berg ~150′ high.
Apr 21 4428’N 4902’W a berg ~100′ high.
Apr 22 4810’N 50W a berg and 4745’N 5032’W a berg.

May 2 Cape Race: 5 bergs in sight.
May 4 St. John’s: SS “Tresillian” from a European port has arrived here after a collision with an iceberg off Cape Race, damage serious.