Charts 1886

Just below normal -0.5. (M).
The ice late, detained in bays. Not a considerable volume. (GR).
Mar 10th, large numbers of bergs off Greenspond. June 3rd, bergs and ice lumps off Cape Race. GR
Northern ice arrived St. John’s Feb 26th, departed May 6. (GR).
At Ferryland, drift arrived Mar 16th, on and off till May 11. (JW in GR).
Twillingate Diary: No apparent mention of ice until about Mar 3 when sawing the schooners down the harbour to go out to the ice. 13th, 8 steamers seen off. (#509).
NYMR (except as noted):
— — “Arctic” in ice St.Shott’s from Trapani. Crew walked ashore. Vessel later boarded by salvagers and saved by slufty of wind. (#866).
— Dundee whaler “Resolute” was lost in the Newfoundland sealing this year, being crushed in the ice in Notre Dame Bay. The crew jumped to the pack and made the shore 70m away. The “Aurora” was also damaged after being squeezed at Haypook’s Shoal and after getting free made for Catalina harbour. (BL).


Feb 14 SS “Surrey” 4632’N 472’W passed through heavy field ice and observed 3 large bergs. (MWR).
Feb 14 SS “Castor” 4716’N 4616’W encountered a large field of ice which it passed for 14 hours; the ice was very heavy, being from 12″ – 14″ thick; steered to the south for 80m to clear it. (MWR).
Feb 15 SS “Palestine” 4630’N 4645’W passed a quantity of field ice from 4 to 5m long. (MWR).
Feb 15 SS “Kehrwieder” 4610’N 4740’W passed a large field of ice ~30m long, extending southwest to northeast.(MWR).
Feb 16 SS “City of Richmond” 4615’N 4650’W encountered field ice, some of it very close; steered southwest ~20m to clear it. (MWR).
Feb 18 SS “Lero” 48N 4447’W met large fields of ice and passed a berg. (MWR).
Feb 18 SS “Ethiopia” 4710’N 4630’W passed a berg and a large quantity of field ice. (MWR).
Feb 20 SS “British Crown” 4625’N 4630’W saw 2 medium sized bergs; 4621’N 4645’W passed 20m of field ice steering southwest. (MWR).
Feb 24 SS “Resolute” at St. John’s from Dundee steamed through 300m of ice.
Feb 28 SS “Polaria” 4610’N 4715’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Feb 28 SS “Vancouver” at Halifax reported a large quantity of thick field ice 47N 48W, steamed south to get clear of it. (MWR).


Mar (early) Heavy ice between St. Pierre & Halifax. Ice fields 30m of Scaterie
Mar 4 SS “Blagdon” 4740’N 5228’W passed through field ice extending ~25m in length. (MWR).
Mar 6 SS “Blagdon” 4450’N 5910’W encountered another heavy field of ice extending ~50m; was 14 hours steaming through it. (MWR).
Mar 9 SS “Sarah Ann” 4120’N 5130’W a large berg.
Mar 12 SS “Durham City” 4430’N 5916’W fell in with heavy field ice, extending as far as the eye could reach; the ice was so heavy that course was changed to SE to clear it. (MWR).
Mar 15 SS “Edam” 4720’N 4440’W saw bergs. (MWR).
Mar 15 SS “Toledo” 4524’N 4730’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Mar 16 SS “Wells City” 4530’N 4720’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Mar 17 SS “Newfoundland” at Halifax reports bays of Newfoundland full of Arctic ice; also saw icebergs outside of St. John’s. Steamed for 10 hours through Gulf ice.
Mar 19 Bark “J.E. Graham” 4445’N 4825’W a field of ice for 20m.
Mar 24 Issue: (see also MWR for Norwegian ice) Kategat difficult. Sailing vessels frozen in off ports.
Mar 24 SS “Republic” 4420’N 4902’W passed several pieces of ice.
Mar 25 4418’N 4908’W several small pieces of ice.
Mar 27 SS “British Queen” 4513’N 5736’W passed large quantities of ice. (MWR).


Apr 2 45N 4730’W, 3 large bergs.
Apr 11 SS “State of Nebraska” 45N 4753’W passed a berg and a small floe. (MWR).
Apr 12 SS “British Crown” 4458’N 4757’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Apr 13 SS “Indiana” 4051’N 4659’W a large berg.
Apr 16 SS “Jan Breydal” 4424’N 4828’W passed 2 bergs, each ~60′ high. (MWR).
Apr 18 SS “Warwick” 44N 48W passed a large quantity of thick field ice extending for a number of miles. (MWR).
Apr 18 SS “Elizabeth Allen” 47N 4720’W passed through large quantities of ice [and damaged]. (MWR).
Apr 19 SS “Palestine” 44N 48W damaged in field ice.
Apr 19 SS “Zaandam” 4247’N 4924’W passed 4 small bergs. (MWR).
Apr 19 SS “Critic” 4356’N 4838’W passed through a number of bergs and a quantity of thick field ice extending a great distance in all directions. (MWR).
Apr 19 SS “Hermann” 4245’N 4948’W passed 3 detached pieces of ice, one piece being quite large, but not a berg. (MWR).
Apr 19 SS “City of Chicago” 4252’N 4920’W [50′] passed through 10m of field ice. (MWR).
Apr 19 SS “Azalea” 4250’N 4950’W passed through a great quantity of field ice. (MWR).
Apr 19 SS “Etna” 4254’N 49N passed through a small quantity of field ice. (MWR).
Apr 19 SS “Hammonia” 4336’N 4920’W passed several small ice fields. (MWR).
Apr 19 SS “Ruby” 4743’N 3011’W [!] [see 20th] passed a large berg. (MWR).
Apr 19 SS “Faedrelaudet” 4711’N 4729’W passed large quantities of field ice. (MWR).
Apr 20 SS “Faedrelaudet” 4449’N 4857’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Apr 20 SS “Stockholm City” 4450’N 4710’W, 5 am passed 2 medium sized bergs bearing SE and NW , and at 3.30 pm passed large quantities of drift ice and at 6 pm 4412’N 5036’W passed a large berg bearing W by N and apparently grounded; at 8 pm less drift ice in vicinity. (MWR).
Apr 20 SS “Gertrude” 4336’N 45W passed large quantities of drift ice and one very large berg. (MWR).
Apr 20 SS [or Ship] “Ruby” 43N 48-50W, 9 large bergs & a quantity of small ice.
Apr 22 SS “Peruvian” 4255’N 5339’W for 3 hours passed patches of small field ice and several bergs. (MWR).
Apr 22 SS Toronto” 4420’N 4730’W passed a small patch of field ice. (MWR).
Apr 22 Ship “John T. Berry” 44N 52W passed 18 bergs of various sizes and 2 fields of ice, one of which was about 6m long, could not see across it from aloft; the other about 4m long. (MWR).
Apr 22 SS “Prussian” 4240’N 4930’W 9 am passed 2 small bergs; 9.40 am 4240’N 5020’W passed large quantities of detached and field ice extending ~30m and at 11.20 am passed 1 large berg; clear of all ice at noon. (MWR).
Apr 22 SS “Circassia” 4336’N to 42N, 4850’W to 50W for almost 4 hours passed a number of bergs, 1 very large, and a large quantity of field ice. (MWR).
Apr 22 SS “Polaria” 4230’N 5040’W passed a medium sized berg. (MWR).
Apr 22 SS “A. McDougall” 4240’N 4934’W passed 2 small bergs; 4241’N 5009’W passed a large berg; between these 2 positions was a large quantity of detached and field ice extending westward ~27m. (MWR).
Apr 23 SS “Jersey City” 45N 46W passed 3 large bergs. (MWR).
Apr 23 Bark “Mithassel” 43N 49 passed through a quantity of enormous bergs. (MWR).
Apr 23 Ship “Ruby” 43N 48-50W passed 9 large bergs and a considerable quantity of drift ice. (MWR).
Apr 24 SS “State of Indiana” 4240’N 4950’W to 4218’N 5158’W for 8½ hours passed 12 bergs. some of them very large, and a quantity of thick field ice. (MWR).
Apr 24 SS “Nevada” 4255’N 5020’W passed 2 large bergs. (MWR).
Apr 24 SS “Columbia” from 8 am to 2 pm in 4220’N 4930’W and 4220’N 4957’W and 4220’N 5011’W and 4214’N 5101’W passed several bergs and some thick field ice. (MWR).
Apr 24 SS “Crystal” 4520’N 4830’W passed through a quantity of broken ice, apparently a collapsed berg. (MWR).
Apr 24 SS “Main” 4328’N 4919’W passed 3 small bergs. (MWR).
Apr 24 SS “Wyoming” 43N 50W passed a number of immense bergs. (MWR).
Apr 24 SS “Tower Hill” at New York reports bergs 4530’N 48W and field ice 45N to 4250’N , 49W.
Apr 24 On the southern edge of the Banks, large quantities of field ice were seen.
Apr 25 SS “Helvetia” 4227’N 4943’W passed a large berg and several large pieces of [field] ice. (MWR).
Apr 25 SS “Thingvalla” 445’N 4951’W passed 2 small bergs. (MWR).
Apr 25 SS “Germanic” 4233’N 5034’W, 4237’N 5015’W and 4231’N 4949’W passed a large berg. (MWR).
Apr 25 Ship “Prince Victor” 47N -W passed through much field ice; steered 150m to the southward to clear it.(MWR).
Apr 26 Ship “New City” 43N 48W passed 1 very large and 3 medium sized bergs. (MWR).
Apr 26 SS “Portia” from St. John’s to New York arrived Halifax unable to get into Sydney by ice.
Apr 27 SS “Furnessia” 4237′ to 4239’N, 5227’W passed 2 bergs. (MWR).
Apr 27 SS “California” 4216’N 5136’W passed 2 bergs. (MWR).
Apr 27 SS “Durham City” 4326’N 4930’W and 435’N 5155’W passed 2 very large bergs ~100′ high. (MWR).
Apr 27 SS “Westphalia” 4250’N 5040’W passed a small berg; 4240’N 5120’W another 36′ high; 4235’N 524’W, 2 from 40′-80′ high. (MWR).
Apr 27 SS “City of Montreal” between 4241’N 4950’W and 4235’N 5214’W passed bergs. (MWR).
Apr 28 SS “City of Montreal” 4218’N 5530’W passed bergs. (MWR).
Apr 28 SS “Rhaetia” 4726’N 4043’W passed a small piece of ice 12′ long. (MWR).
Apr 28 SS “Australia” 4222’N 5014’W passed a small berg; 4219’N 5142’W passed another 75′ high and 300′ long. (MWR).
Apr 28 SS “Carmona” got clear of ice 4545’N 49W; saw some bergs south of Cape Race.
Apr 29 SS “Umbria” between 4253’N 5019’W and 4214’N 5212’W passed several bergs. (MWR). Apr 29 SS “Australia” 4219’N 5742’W passed a berg ~70′ high.
Apr 30 SS “Venetian” 4327’N 4925’W passed a berg 600′ long, 150′ wide and 120′ high. (MWR).
Apr 30 SS “Bracadaile” between 4543’N 5145’W and 4533’N 5510’W passed a large berg then passed through scattering ones and finally passed a very large one. (MWR).
Apr 30 Ship “Thos. Hilyard” 4220’N 5030’W passed a berg. (MWR).
Apr 30 SS “Norwegian” 4219’N 4953’W passed a berg; 4215’N 514’W a berg and 2 small pieces of ice. (MWR).
Apr 30 SS “Ocean King” arrived Montreal reported a large field of heavy ice outside of Cape Race; had to steam south to avoid it; there was no in the gulf or river.
Apr 30 SS “Werra” at New York reported 4356’N 4922’W passed a large berg.

May 1 SS “Aller” 4248’N 5206’W a small berg.
May 2 SS “Advance” at Trepassey from Cardiff to St. John’s, port bow damaged by ice.
May 2 SS “State of Nevada” ~ 4217’N 5225’W, 2 large bergs.
May 4 Bark “Orient” at St. John, NB saw a large amount of ice on the south-eastern edge of the Banks [cf Apr 24].
May 5 Issue: SS “George Shattuck” left Halifax early in the season for a sealing voyage. Last seen heading for a large field of ice on which were many seals. Feared crushed in ice and sunk.

Jun 9 Issue: Ice unusually heavy.

Sep 20 Schooner “Lady Agnes” struck a berg and badly damaged 60m E of St. John’s. (#93).