Gulf Ice Charts 1958

1958 Season

Dec 24 Mild winter thus far. (Pat 24 Dec p2 c1)
Dec 18 Georgetown – SS “Brant” docked at Queen’s Wharf December 18th and will be placing winter buoys in position. (Pat 4 Jan p5 c5)

Jan-Feb The main body of the Gulf of St. Lawrence was open and navigable throughout January and February. (IIP, P7)
Jan 7 Irvingwood (tanker) arrived at Charlottetown coated in ice. (Pat 7 Jan p8 c1)
Jan 13 CGS “Saurel” completed lifting buoys for season for Charlottetown Marine. (Pat 13 Jan p1 c3)
Jan 18 June in January – MV “Fairview” takes off from Charlottetown for Rocky Point. Today’s crossing no record, but never sailed through such near summer-like waters at this season of the year. (Pat 18 Jan p1 c1)
Jan 22 Mildest weather recorded in 48 years on P.E.I. (Pat 22 Jan p1 c1)
Jan 22 Due to lack of icebreakers, navigation in Lower St. Lawrence and Gulf usually ends December 31st, but here is SS “Elin Hope” taking on a cargo of 5600 tons of newsprint at Baie Comeau, Quebec. (Pat 22 Jan p7 c5)
Jan 29 Charlottetown ferry still running. “Most summerlike…” (Pat 29 Jan p7 c1)

Feb 19 Block House light (Charlottetown) still on. (Pat 19 Feb p4 c4)

Mar The pack ice and its vanguard of ice quickly filled up the Strait of Belle Isle and moved down the Newfoundland coast. (IIP p8)
Mar 6 The sealer “Curling” was trapped by ice off North Rustico Thursday night (March 6th). (Pat 7 Mar p1 c5)
Mar 7 Strong northerly winds drove the ice carrying the seals close to shore (North Rustico). (Pat 7 Mar p1 c5)
Mar 7 Issue: Ship loading potatoes some days ago in Souris. Block House light still lit and no doubt will stay lit all through this year. Indeed a record. (Pat 7 Mar p4 c4)
Mar 15 50°55’N 57°25’W. Scattered sometimes heavy ice floes. (IIP, P16 #11).
Mar 19 Cabot Strait and Gulf of St. Lawrence. Ship track and main body Gulf of St. Lawrence ice free. St. Lawrence River navigable to Quebec City. (IIP, P16 #17).
Mar 29 Gulf of St. Lawrence. Main steamer track Gulf of St. Lawrence and Cabot Strait remain ice free to longitude 67W. Loose patches drift ice in river from longitude 67W to Quebec City. (IIP, P17 #35).

Apr The main body of the Gulf of St. Lawrence was open throughout the month and the steamer track to Montreal was in use. Only Northumberland Strait and the coast of prince Edward Island remained hampered by ice, pressured as a result of earlier northeast winds. Small bergs were sighted aground near Corner Brook, Newfoundland, and Cape Whittle, Quebec, in the Gulf, and a small berg or growler drifted past Heath Point, Anticosti Island into the main steamer track. The latter is a most unusual occurrence. (IIP, P10).

Apr 1 Gulf of St. Lawrence. Main body of the Gulf of St. Lawrence continues to be ice free. Drift ice exists in Northumberland Strait and North of a line from Cape Whittle, Quebec to 50°N 59°W to Riche Point, Newfoundland. St. Lawrence River open to Quebec City except for loose patches of drift ice. (IIP, P17 #41).
Apr 10 Gulf of St. Lawrence. Main body of the Gulf of St. Lawrence continues to be ice free except for small berg reported off Heath Point, Anticosti Island, moving Southeastward. (IIP, P17 #50).
Apr 11 49°50’N 63°10’W. Berg, 2 growlers. (IIP, P17 #51).
Apr 17 Gulf of St. Lawrence. Main body of Gulf remains ice free. Drift ice in Northumberland Strait and along coast of Prince Edward Island. (IIP, P18 #64).
Apr 28 50°50’N 58°40’W. Large berg. (IIP, P19 #101).
Apr 28 49°21’N 58°31’W. Small berg. (IIP, P19 #102)
Apr 28 Last DOT flight of the season. (Pat 27 Apr 1959 p3 c2)