Gulf Ice Charts 1949

1949 Season

Dec 11 Last eastbound steamer through the Strait of Belle Isle. (WBB)
Dec 26 Last departure of the season from Quebec. (WBB)
Dec 30 Georgetown – SS “Sommer” arrived on December 30th, sailed on January 4th. (Pat 7 Jan 1949 p9 c3)

Jan 5 Tignish – some fine ice racing was held on the afternoon of January 5th on Tignish ice. First ice racing of the season (horses). (Pat 13 Jan p3 c2)
Jan 18 Issue: Covehead – “we have recently read that Anticosti, Grindstone Island and others of the Gulf of St. Lawrence Islands are enjoying a balmy winter with no sign of pack ice and navigation as easy as in summertime. (Pat 18 Jan p7 c2)
Jan 19 The Imperial Oil tanker “Imperial Welland” will arrive in Charlottetown tomorrow from Halifax. This is certainly unusual for the 19th of January. (Pat 18 Jan p5 c4)
Jan 20 Victoria – The harbour is still navigable which is unusual at this time of year. (Pat 20 Jan p8 c4)
Jan 21 Georgetown – the ferry steamer “Montague” made her last trip of the season last year on January 21st, will it go to the above date this year? (Pat 14 Jan p8 c4)
Jan 26 Georgetown – older residents say up to the 21st January, this was the mildest winter they have known. A good many years ago the ferry boat “Montague” made a trip on 12th January and met no ice. The ferry boat is still running, making a longer season than last year when she completed running on 21st January. (Pat 26 Jan p8 c4)
Jan 29 Georgetown – the ferry boat is still plying between Lower Montague and here. The harbour is pretty well open. (Pat 29 Jan p10 c4)

eb 2 The ferry boat “Montague” is tied up, after completing one of the longest seasons on record. (Pat 2 Feb p9 c7)

Mar 10 DOT aerial survey: Continuous northerly and easterly winds past week have forced much drift ice into the area, conditions not good but much lighter than last year. (CIS IC0742_3)
Mar 14 DOT aerial survey: George Bay N entrance close pack extending N along Cape Breton coast and across to East Point, PEI. (CIS IC0955)
Mar 14 DOT aerial survey: Widely scattered patches of drift ice from St. Pauls to Scatari. (CIS IC1001)
Mar 14 DOT aerial survey: South coast of Newfoundland clear. (CIS IC1043)
Mar 14 DOT aerial survey: Ice extends westward to vicinity of Country Harbour. Louisburg harbour open. (CIS IC1083)
Mar 14 DOT aerial survey: Flight shows improvement over steamer track, particularly in E and W sections with clear water E of a line Heath Point to St. Pauls to Newfoundland coast. Between Fame Point and Bonaventure Island clear water extends 10 to 20 miles off the coast. Gaspe harbour breaking up. Area S and W of line from Bonaventure Island to 48°37’N 60°55’W to Cape St. Lawrence, Cape Breton, 70% to 80% ice with clear water extending 5 to 10 miles off N coast of PEI. (CIS IC0790)
Mar 14 DOT aerial survey: A channel 5 to 15 miles wide extends from Southwest Point to 30 miles SW of South Point, Anticosti. Between this position and 20 miles NE of Bird Rocks heavy open about60% ice, thence to Cape Ray and seaward clear. W coast of Newfoundland clear to beyond Cape St. George and westward to 48°37’N 60°55’W and St. Pauls. (CIS IC0846)
Mar 21 DOT aerial survey: Outer limits of ice in Cabot Strait and E coast of Cape Breton from 47°57’N 60°32’W the NW corner to 47°10’N 59°20’W to 46°23’N 59°00’W to 5 miles N of Scatari taking shore at Flint Island and Smoky. (CIS IC1001)
Mar 21 DOT aerial survey: Shore lead inside Flint Island to Sydney all clear expected to close tomorrow. (CIS IC1024_2)
Mar 21 DOT aerial survey: W coast of Newfoundland clear to 20 miles N of Cape Anguille. (CIS IC0846_2)
Mar 29 DOT aerial survey: West side of George Bay clear, heavy ice on E side extending northward along Cape Breton coast. (CIS IC0955)
Mar 29 DOT aerial survey: Outer limits from 15 miles SW of Cape Ray to 47°20’N 58°30’W to 46°00’N 58°55’W SE limit, to 15 miles E of Scatari. Thence to Cape Smoky narrow shore lead. (CIS IC1001)
Mar 29 DOT aerial survey: Flight shows improvement over steamer track but gulf still badly congested. (CIS IC0742_3)
Mar 29 DOT aerial survey: Clear water extends down river to 30 miles ENE of Cape des Rosiers. Thence to 48°30’N 62°30’W widely scattered patches about 30% ice. From there to 15 miles SW of Cape Ray heavy drift in sheets. From there to 15 miles off Cape North scattered fields of heavy ice moving rapidly seaward. (CIS IC0790)

Apr The Canadian Department of Transport started its regular aerial surveys of the St. Lawrence area on 1 April. Prior to this date it had undertaken preliminary flights on the 11th, 14th, 21st and 29th of March. Thereafter reports were furnished daily by the department to shipping. The extreme limits of Gulf ice was on the 5th April and thereafter the limits receded until by the 28th April it was reported that routes to river and gulf ports via Cabot Strait and the Strait of Canso were clear for navigation. (IIP p9)

Apr 1 DOT aerial survey: George Bay full, close pack extending northward along Cape Breton coast. (CIS IC0955)
Apr 1 DOT aerial survey: Heavy ice extends along E coast of Cape North to Scatari, narrow shore lead Scatari to Sydney. (CIS IC1021_2)
Apr 1 DOT aerial survey: Sydney harbour clear. (CIS IC1024_2)
Apr 1 DOT aerial survey: Cape Ray and south coast of Newfoundland clear. (CIS IC1043)
Apr 1 DOT aerial survey: W and N of line from Tracadie, PEI to 47°30’N 63°00’N to 48°12’N 63°30’W to 48°27’N 62°27’W mostly clear to W coast and Anticosti, E and S of these lines open and close packed to PEI and Cape Breton coast. Over steamer track clear water eastward to 48°27’N 62°27’W thence to 15 miles N of Brion Island channel 15 to 20 miles wide thence to 25 miles E of Bird Rocks open ice navigable. (CIS IC0742_3)
Apr 2 DOT aerial survey: Bathurst open. (CIS IC0923)
Apr 2 DOT aerial survey: St. Pauls, light slob 3 miles S, all other points no ice. (CIS IC1040)
Apr 2 DOT aerial survey: Magdalens, Grosse Isle 9 miles close pack, Etang du Nord open ice. (CIS IC0801)
Apr 2 DOT aerial survey: Pleasant Bay, Old Harry, Amherst, no ice. (CIS IC0820)
Apr 3 “Fort Townshend” passed scattered slob ice with heavy pieces 45°21’N 58°58’W to 45°05’N 59°17’W. (IIP p.17#195)
Apr 3 DOT aerial survey: Cape Ray no ice in sight. Heavy open and close pack around Cape North extending southward close along E coast of Cape Breton to Scatari and westward. Outer limits estimated from 15 miles off Cape Ray to 47°00’N 58°40’W to 46°00’N 58°00’W to 45°00’N 59°00’W to vicinity of Canso. (CIS IC1001)
Apr 3 DOT aerial survey: Western edge of ice in gulf from Tracadie, PEI to 47°30’N 63°00’W to 48°27’N 62°27’W to Heath point probably moved slightly W. W of these lines mostly clear except scattered strings SE of Miscou. (CIS 0742_3)
Apr 3 DOT aerial survey: Over steamer track mostly clear to vicinity of Bird Rock. (CIS IC0790)
Apr 5 Can. Dept. of Transport. Plane: Outer limits of drift ice, 15 miles off Cape Ray to 47°00’N 58°40’W to 46°00’N 58°00’W to 45°00’N 59°00’W to 40 miles off Canso to vicinity of Whitehead. (IIP p.17#204) [Date given as 3rd in CIS IC0913]
Apr 5 DOT aerial survey: From Rustico, PEI to 47°21’N 62°50’W to N end of Magdalens Islands then channel open water to 20 miles N of Brion Island then ice to Heath Point. W of these lines mostly clear over steamer track conditions good to vicinity of Bird Rocks thence to 30 miles, 286° from Cape Ray some well open ice on NE side of track navigable thence to Cape Ray clear. (CIS IC0742_4)
Apr 5 DOT aerial survey: Over steamer track conditions good to vicinity of Bird Rock thence to 30 miles, 286° from Cape Ray some well open ice on NE side of track navigable, thence to Cape Ray clear. (CIS IC0790_2)
Apr 6 Can. Dept. of Transport. Plane: Outer limits of drift ice, 15 miles off St. Pauls to 46°00’N 59°05’W to 45°15’N 59°35’W to 15 miles S of Country Island Light. (IIP p.17#205) the western extremity. (CIS IC1013_5)
Apr 6 DOT aerial survey: Paspebiac, bay clear, New Carlisle, no ice, Dalhousie, harbour full of floating ice, Shippigan, no change, ice in all directions, Carquet, ice still in harbour, weather very mild. (CIS IC0923)
Apr 6 DOT aerial survey: Over steamer track mostly clear to 10 miles N of Brion Island. Then some open ice navigable to 30 miles E of Bird Rocks. Clear S of Bird Rocks. Thence to Cape Ray clear. Detour track clear from 10 miles off Cape Ray to 48°55’N 59°35’W to 10 miles off Heath point. Heavy ice between tracks. Clear between St. Pauls and Cape Ray. (CIS IC0790_2)
Apr 6 DOT aerial survey: Magdalens, Etang du Nord, W side open ice N side 7 miles close packed ice, Amherst, open ice about 10 miles, Gross Isle, 2 miles slob ice. (CIS IC0801)
Apr 7 DOT aerial survey: Bay of Chaleur navigable to Dalhousie, some loose ice in vicinity of Paspebiac. (CIS IC0923)
Apr 7 DOT aerial survey: Northern half of George Bay full of loose drift extending to Cape Bear and East Point, PEI and along Cape Breton coast. (CIS IC0955)
Apr 7 DOT aerial survey: Ice is moving off E coast of Cape Breton but still close pack on S coast. Outside limits from 15 miles NE of St. Pauls to 30 miles E of Scatari to 12 miles off Guion Island to 5 miles of Green Island. (CIS IC1013_5)
Apr 7 DOT aerial survey: Still close packed on S coast to vicinity of Tor Bay, will move off with westerly wind. Louisburg harbour and approaches blocked, close-packed at White Head. (CIS IC1083)
Apr 7 DOT aerial survey: Over steamer track clear to vicinity of Bird Rocks. From Bird Rocks to 25 miles off Cape Ray clear. Ice has moved northward 25 miles off N coast of PEI. N edge at 47°45’N. (CIS IC0790_2)
Apr 7 DOT aerial survey: N of Bird Rocks large triangular field of open ice with apex 15 miles NE of Brion Island, base from 48°45’N 59°50’W to 48°55’N 62°40’W. (CIS IC0846_2)
Apr 7 First arrival of season at Quebec. (WBB)
Apr 8 DOT aerial survey: Outside limits from 12 miles SW of Cape Ray to 25 east of Scatari to 20 off St. Esprit, 5 off Green Island. (CIS IC0913)
Apr 8 DOT aerial survey: Loose ice on E side of George Bay, W side clear. (CIS IC0958)
Apr 8 DOT aerial survey: Loose ice extends along E coast of Cape Breton Cape North to Scatari and westward to Strait of Canso. (CIS IC1021_2)
Apr 8 DOT aerial survey: Loose ice extends westward from Scatari to Strait of Canso and Tor Bay. Louisburg harbour and approaches loose ice. (IC1083_2)
Apr 8 DOT aerial survey: Over steamer track clear to vicinity of Bird Rocks. From Bird Rocks to 25 miles off Cape Ray clear. (CIS IC0790_3)
Apr 9 Ice Patrol Plane: Limits of drift ice, Michaux Point to 45°30’N 59°04’W to 46°50‘N 59°10’W. (IIP p.18#281)
Apr 9 Can. Dept. of Transport. Plane: Outer limits of drift ice, 12 miles SW of Cape Ray to 25 miles E of Scatari to 20 miles off St. Esprit to 5 miles off Green Island. Narrow strip Canso to Tor Bay. (IIP p.18#282)
Apr 9 “Erik Banck” encountered field ice 47°20’N 59°20’W. (IIP p.18#284)
Apr 9 DOT aerial survey: Scattered ice between Maquereau and Bonaventure. Point Maquereau, cloudy, NW, ice moving, Paspebiac, bay clear, Shippigan, ice barely broken up, water can now be seen ½ mile from light toward NE channel advancing rapidly in harbour. Caraquet, still ice in harbour. (CIS IC0923)
Apr 9 DOT aerial survey: Port Hood, bay blocked with ice. (CIS IC0958)
Apr 9 DOT aerial survey: Louisburg harbour clear, loose ice off shore. (CIS IC1083_2)
Apr 9 DOT aerial survey: W and N limits of ice in gulf from North point, PEI to 47°20’N 63°00’W to 15 miles NW of Brion Island to 15 N of Bird Rocks to 12 miles N of St. Pauls. Within these limits about 60% ice. (CIS IC0742_4)
Apr 9 DOT aerial survey: Magdalens, Etang du Nord, open ice, Amherst, light open ice, Grosse Isle, 1 mile slob ice. Point Escumiac, cloudy, N, no ice. (CIS IC0801)
Apr 10 Can. Dept. of Transport. Plane: Outer limits of drift ice, 12 miles SW of Cape Ray to 25 miles E of Scatari to 15 miles off St. Esprit to Green Island. (IIP p.18#285)
Apr 10 DOT aerial survey: George Bay about 40% ice. (CIS IC0958)
Apr 10 DOT aerial survey: Outside limits from 15 miles S of Cape Ray to 25 miles E of Scatari to 25 miles S of Guion Island to Green Island, this ice is moving off shore and is navigable with caution. (CIS IC1013_5)
Apr 10 DOT aerial survey: Scattered strings and patches extend along the E coast of Cape Breton from St.Pauls to Scatari and is moving S and becoming close packed off Sydney. (CIS IC1021_2)
Apr 10 DOT aerial survey: Sydney harbour is open but will probably close by night. (CIS IC1024_2)
Apr 10 DOT aerial survey: Along the S coast of Cape Breton ice is moving off shore, Louisburg harbour clear, open ice in approaches. Ice between Canso and Tor Bay has moved southward off the coast. (CIS IC1083_2)
Apr 10 DOT aerial survey: Ice limit in gulf has moved further S to 47°40’N with western edge from North Point, PEI to 47°40’N 62°20’W. (CIS IC0742_4)
Apr 11 DOT aerial survey: Outer limits from 47°10’N 59°18’W to 46°30’N 58°58’W to 20 miles E of Scatari to 30 miles S of St. Esprit to Strait of Canso. (CIS IC0913&1013_6)
Apr 11 DOT aerial survey: Bay of Chaleur navigable to Campbellton. (CISA IC0923_2)
Apr 11 DOT aerial survey: Sydney harbour and approaches blocked. (CIS IC1024_2)
Apr 11 DOT aerial survey: Ice has moved off S coast and scattered navigable with caution. Best track 6 miles off coast from St. Esprit to Louisburg. (CIS IC1083_2)
Apr 11 DOT aerial survey: Western and northern edges of ice in Gulf from St. Peters Bay, PEI to 47°28’N 62°25’W to Grosse Isle, Magdalens, thence from Entry Island to 5 miles off Cape North. N and W of these lines clear within about 60% ice. Navigation open to E coast of Magdalens. (CIS IC0742_5)
Apr 12 HMCS “St. Stephen” field of ice extending in a northwesterly direction to horizon 45°09’N 60°07’W. (IIP p.18#288)
Apr 12 CDOT: Outer limits of drift ice 47°10’N 59°18’W to 46°30’N 58°58’W to 20 miles E of Scatari to 30 miles S of St. Esprit to Strait of Canso. (IIP p.19#289)
Apr 12 DOT aerial survey: Shippigan open. (CIS IC 0923_2)
Apr 12 DOT aerial survey: George Bay full but loosening up. (CIS IC0958)
Apr 12 DOT aerial survey: Western edge from Cape George to East Point, PEI. (CIS IC0988)
Apr 12 DOT aerial survey: Close packed ice extends along E coast of Cape Breton, Cape North to Port Nova, Sydney harbour blocked. This ice should slacken and move off tonight with westerly winds. (CIS IC1021_3)
Apr 12 DOT aerial survey: Gulf clear W and N of a line from Tracadie, PEI to 47°00’N 62°50’W to 47°35’N 62°27’W to Grosse Isle, and from Entry Island to 47°00’N 61°18’W to 15 miles NW of Cape St. Lawrence to 5 off Cape North. Within these lines 60% ice. (CIS IC0742_5)
Apr 12 DOT aerial survey: Escumiac open. (CIS IC0801)
Apr 13 CDOT: Outer limits of drift ice, 5 miles off Cape North to 46°50’N 59°21’W to 46°05’N 59°13’W to 15 miles SE of Scatari to 20 miles off St. Esprit to Strait of Canso. (IIP p.19#294)
Apr 13 DOT aerial survey: Outside limits from Cape North to 46°50’N 59°10’W to 45°40’N 57°35’W to 44°32’N 59°59’W (30 miles N of Sable Island) to 44°50’N 60°47’W to White Head. Within these limits and Cape Breton coast 30% to 70% ice. (CIS IC0913 & IC1013_6)
Apr 13 DOT aerial survey: Sydney harbour closed and ice 1 mile off Guion Island to 2 miles off Green Island. (CIS IC1021_3)
Apr 13 DOT aerial survey: Sydney harbour, ice loosening and moving out slowly. (CIS IC1024_2)
Apr 13 DOT aerial survey: Ice more open westward to White Head. Westward from Scatari mostly clear with widely scattered strings extending to 15 miles S of St. Esprit, Louisburg and approaches clear. (CIS IC1083_2)
Apr 13 DOT aerial survey: Ice from Heath point extends southward into steamer track. Over steamer track Fame Point to Bird Rocks to Cape Ray clear to the 63rd meridian then open and scattered to Bird Rocks, then about 40 miles loose and open ice with eastern edge a line from St. Pauls to 47°50’N 60°10’W to 48°17’N 60°10’W to Cape St. George. E of this line clear. (CIS IC0790_3)
Apr 14 CDOT: Outer limits of drift ice, 10 miles NNE from St. Pauls to 46°10’N 59°00’W to 30 miles E of Scatari to 45°50’N 59°26’W to 15 miles SE of St. Esprit to St,. Peters Bay. (IIP p.20#368)
Apr 14 DOT aerial survey: Ice is moving westward on S coast of Cape Breton. (CIS IC0913_2)
Apr 14 DOT aerial survey: Ice extends along shore from St. Pauls to Scatari. Sydney harbour blocked and easterly winds will pack ice tightly on the coast. (CIS IC1021_3)
Apr 15 DOT aerial survey: Gulf clear W and N of line from St. Peters Bay to 47°20’N 62°35’W to 47°38’N 62°00’W to Etang du Nord and from 10 miles SE of Entry Island to 47°30’N 60°38’W to 46°10’N 59°15’W to 10 miles S of Union Island. (CIS IC0742_5)
Apr 15 DOT aerial survey: Miramichi Bay open for navigation. (CIS IC0801)
Apr 16 CDOT: Outer limits of drift ice, 47°30’N 60°38’W to 46°10’N 59°15’W to 10 miles S of Guion Island. (IIP p.20#370)
Apr 16 DOT aerial survey: Sydney harbour and approaches closed but ice loosening with southerly winds. (CIS IC1024_2)
Apr 18 CDOT: Outer limits of drift ice, 47°00’N 59°57’W to 46°35’N 59°41’W to 5 miles S of Scatari to Fourchu. (IIP p.20#376)
Apr 18 DOT aerial survey: Loose ice on W side of George Bay scattered on E side to Henry Island then closer packed extending northward. (CIS IC0958)
Apr 18 DOT aerial survey: Ice extends along the E and S coast of Cape Breton from Cape North to Scatari to Forchu. Aspy Bay and Sydney and approaches full. Ice 4 miles off Louisburg. (CIS IC1021_3)
Apr 18 DOT aerial survey: W and N limits of ice in gulf from St, Peters Bay, PEI to 47°24’N 62°46’W to 47°25’N 62°21’W to 46°48’N 62°06’W to 47°26’N 60°50’W. Within these lines about 50% ice. Except for this ice and in NE area of gulf N of a line from Heath Point to Cape St. George, Newfoundland [?] River and Gulf now clear for navigation including Montreal, Saguenay, Gaspe, Bay of Chaleur, E coast of New Brunswick, Northumberland Strait ports via West point, and Magdalens via St. Pauls. (CIS IC0742_6)
Apr 19 DOT aerial survey: On the E coast the ice is mostly close packed from Cape North to Scatari but the field has narrowed very much. Outside limits approximately from 5 miles SW of St. Pauls to 6 miles off Flat Point to Flint Island to Scatari with narrow open strip along S coast to Forchu. Sydney harbour and approaches obstructed. (CIS IC1013_6)
Apr 19 DOT aerial survey: Sydney harbour and approaches obstructed. (CIS IC1024_2)
Apr 19 DOT aerial survey: Except for ice in NE part of gulf (with Point Amour and Belle Isle reporting close packed everywhere) the only ice of any consequence is that on the E coast of Cape Breton and the area between East Point, PEI and the Magdalens and W of Cape Breton. Navigation to Gaspe, Bay of Chaleur, Miramachi Bay and Northumberland Strait ports via West Point. (CIS IC0742_6)
Apr 19 DOT aerial survey: Ice has moved off the coast of Cape Breton and widely scattered. (CIS IC0820)
Apr 20 CDOT: Outer limits of drift ice, 5 miles SW of St. Pauls to 6 miles off Flat Point to Flint Island to Scatari with narrow strip along S coast to Fourchu. (IIP p.20#385)
Apr 20 DOT aerial survey: On the E coast of Cape Breton ice has moved off the coast from Scatari to Flat Point. Ice is 7 miles off Glace Bay. Sydney harbour and approaches from southward navigable. (CIS IC1021_4)
Apr 20 DOT aerial survey: Ice that was in area between East point, PEI and Magdalens and NW coast of Cape Breton has moved NW and coast of Cape Breton is clear. (CIS IC0742_7)
Apr 20 DOT aerial survey: Ice that was in area between East Point, PEI, Magdalens and NW coast of Cape Breton has moved NW and coast of Cape Breton is clear including Port Hood, Margaree and Cheticamp. This ice field is now 5 miles off East Point and about 20 miles wide extending towards the Magdalens with southwestern edge at 46°43’N 62°30’W. (CIS IC0820_2)
Apr 21 DOT aerial survey: W coast of Cape Breton navigable to Cheticamp but some widely scattered ice between W coast of PEI and W coast of Cape Breton. (CIS IC0988)
Apr 21 DOT aerial survey: Outside limits off E coast of Cape Breton from 48°00’N 60°15’W, the N corner, to 46°33’N 59°03’W, the SE corner. Inside these limits scattered ice navigable extends to within a few miles of the coast. (CIS IC1013_7)
Apr 21 DOT aerial survey: On the E coast ice is 3 miles off shore from Cape North to Point Aconi, Sydney harbour clear track from Flint Point to SE corner. Between Flint Island and Scatari large field moving off the coast. (CIS IC1021_4)
Apr 21 DOT aerial survey: Western and northern limits of ice in gulf from 46°45’N 62°10’W to 48°00’N 60°15’W. (CIS IC0742_7)
Apr 21 DOT aerial survey: On track from 10 miles off Cape Ray to 10 miles off Bird Rock scattered ice easily navigable. (CIS IC0846_2)
Apr 22 “Erik Banck” loose ice 10 miles in easterly direction 46°33’N 59°40’W. (IIP p.20#392)
Apr 22 DOT aerial survey: From 48°00’N 60°00’W to 46°30’N 59°10’W to Scatari, outside limit of ice. Inside these limits scattered strings and patches and isolated pieces to within a few miles of the coast of Cape Breton. Ice in quantity is moving eastward around Cape North and St. Paul’s with a narrow shore lead southward from Aspy Bay to Point Aconi. Scattered ice in Sydney outer harbour and southern approaches from Scatari. Navigable. (CIS IC1013_7)
Apr 22 Georgetown – harbour is widening out all the time and very little ice left. Harbour is clear of ice. (Pat 22 Apr p10 c6)
Apr 23 CDOT: Outer limits of ice from W and E coast of Cape Breton, 20 miles N East Point, PEI to 48°00’N 60°00’W to 46°30’N 59°10’W to Scatari with narrow strip along S coast to Guion Island. (IIP p.21#439)
Apr 23 DOT aerial survey: A heavy field 20 miles long and 12 miles wide 7 miles off Flint Island. (CIS IC1013_7)
Apr 23 DOT aerial survey: Inside of a line from St. Pauls to Flat Point ice is very loose while southward from Flat Point to Scatari the route is navigable. (CIS IC1021_4)
Apr 24 CDOT: Outside limits of ice off NW and E coast of Cape Breton, 46°24’N 61°30’W to 47°36’N 59°53’W to 46°30’N 59°40’W to 20 miles E of Scatari to vicinity of Guion Island. (IIP p.21#440)
Apr 24 DOT aerial survey: W coast of Newfoundland clear to vicinity of Bay of Islands. (CIS IC0846_2)
Apr 25 DOT aerial survey: Northerly gales have broken up the ice fields located on the N and E coast of Cape Breton and is driving them S into the Atlantic. Widely scattered heavy pieces from this field may be met in area between lats. 45°40’N, 46°20’N and lons. 59°00’W and 59°40’W. (CIS IC0913_2) Gulf and east coast clear from Cape North to Flint Island. (CIS IC1013_8)
Apr 26 CDOT: Widely scattered heavy pieces of ice, 45°40’N to 46°20’N, 59°00’W to 59°40’W. (IIP p.22#480)
Apr 26 DOT aerial survey: Ice has disappeared from the Cape Breton coast and except for that in NE area of gulf N of Bay of Islands the only known ice is a few scattered patches 25 miles SE of St. Pauls and string about 2 miles wide 10 miles NEW [?] of Flint Island. Routes to river and gulf ports via Cabot Strait and Strait of Canso clear for navigation. S and W of Newfoundland from Cape Race to Bay of Islands also clear. (CIS IC0742_7)
Apr 26 Georgetown – wind has cleared all the drift ice out of the harbour. (Pat 26 Apr p8 c6)
Apr 26 The ice patrols were completed on April 26th, 17 days earlier than last year when the last flight was made on May 12th. Ice patrol has been operating for the past 9 years. (Pat 28 Apr p1 c7)
Apr 27 DOT aerial survey: Except for ice located in NW area of gulf N of Bonne and a few scattered strings 10 miles E of Sydney and 20 SE of St. Pauls, routes to river and gulf ports via Cabot Strait and Strait of Canso now clear for navigation. (CIS IC0742_7)
Apr 27 Fishermen have no ice to worry about when the season opens May 1st. Northumberland Strait and the Strait of Canso are all clear. Very heavy ice in the Strait of Belle Isle, particularly on the Labrador side from St. Mary’s Island northward. The season is far ahead of last year. (Pat 27 Apr p1 c3)
Apr 28 CDOT: Few scattered strings 10 miles E of Sydney and 20 miles SE of St. Pauls. (IIP p.22#483)
Apr 29 The ice patrol reports that the coastal waters are almost wholly clear of ice, an unusual condition. (Pat 29 Apr p4 c2)

May 18 First Westbound steamer through the strait of Belle Isle. (WBB)