Gulf Ice Charts 1868

1868 Season

Very little ice in the Gulf this year. (GR p.85)

Nov 21 – 27 Ships arrived in the port of Charlottetown between Nov 21 to the 27. (Ex 2 Dec p3#2)
Nov 23 The Miramichi Gleaner of the 23rd ult, says: Since our last issue we have had a regular week of cold winter weather. Snow has fallen and the river is so full of ice that it is not only difficult but dangerous to attempt to cross. We understand that several vessels with provisions from Quebec are in the river, but unable to get up owing to the ice. On Tuesday evening last, the Chatham Ferry boat while on the opposite side of the River was cut through by the ice and sunk. (Ex 16 Dec p2#2)

Dec 25 Local ice formed Bonne Bay. (GR p.85)
Dec 28 We learn that Souris Harbour is quite open and free from ice, and that there were two or three schooners loading there this week with produce, for Halifax. (Pat 28 Dec p3#2)

Jan 1 The ice boat crossed between Capes Traverse and Tormentine twice on New Year’s Day. (Pat 4 Jan p2#6)
Jan 4 The couriers with an English mail crossed the straits today, reaching Cape Traverse about 12 1\2 o’clock. The mail will, therefore, probably be in town about 6 o’clock, p.m. (Pat 4 Jan p2#6)
Jan 10 Local ice formed Bay of Islands. (GR p.88)
Jan 11 Souris Harbour is still open, but the ice outside the harbour renders it useless for the purposes of navigation. (Pat 11 Jan p2#5)
Jan 12 Northern ice arrived Bonne Bay. (GR p.85)
Jan 14 Gulf ice in a body coming out. (GR p.33)
Jan 15 “Lulan” left St.John’s for Sydney 10th, put back having met with heavy ice in the Gulf. (LL).
Jan 21 SS “Etna” at New York from Liverpool passed a large quantity of field ice between Sable Is. and Halifax. (LL).

Mar 10 Gulf ice arrived Ramea. (GR p.97)
Mar 19 A British brig (name not ascertained),from Halifax for Boston, was passed off Green Island 19th badly used up. She left port in September, since which she has been frozen up at different points on the coast; she had lost sails and part of deckload and was badly cut up and scarred by the ice. (NS 30/03/1868 p7 #5)
Mar 20 Halifax, brig “Elsinoir [?]”from LaHave, NS, 5th for New York, put into Portland 20th. Had been frozen in the ice at three different places on the passage. (NS 30/03/1868 p7 #5)
Mar 30 Halifax, arrived, Brigt “Mary Olivia”, Cienfuegos, for St. John’s NF. Not being able to proceed in consequence of the ice, put into this port. (NS 06/04/1868 p7 #1)

Apr 1 Gulf ice departed Ramea. (GR p.97)
Apr 11 Northern ice departed Bonne Bay. (GR p.85)
Apr 13 Local ice departed Bay of Islands. (GR p.88)

May 2 SS “Hibernian” at Quebec from Liverpool reports gulf ice from Cape Ray to St. Peter’s and south to 46°N; found passage through, 4m wide, near Flint Island. (LL).
May 5 Local ice cleared Bonne Bay. (GR p.85)
May 8 Quebec: Unusual quantity of ice at the entrance to the gulf detaining spring fleet. (LL).
May 11 St. John’s: The following vessels have been lost at the seal fishery in the Gulf of St. Lawrence: “Gazelle”, “Ceres”, “Ernest”, “Susan”, “Clipper” and “Billow”. (LL)

Jul 24 Quebec: Fifty-six more sailing vessels have arrived here this year, up to date, than in 1867. Outward bound vessels are kept, by a large number of icebergs, in the lower St. Lawrence, and several vessels had to put back in consequence. Vessels arrived from sea today report few vessels in the River. (NYT Saturday 25 July 1868 p1 c2)