Gulf Ice Charts 1851

1851 Season

Nov 27-30 Entered: Nov. 27 – Schooner “Spray” from Bay Verte; Nov 30 – “Mary Ann” from Pictou and “Wave” from Halifax. Cleared: Nov. 27 – Schooner “Alabama” from Newfoundland; Nov. 29 – “Sea Horse” from Halifax, Brigt. “Sisters” from Bideford, “Sultan” from Liverpool, “Paragon” from Newfoundland and Schooner “Spray” from Pictou.” (Ex 4 Dec 4 p3 c4)

Dec 25 The Packet with the mails had not arrived up to the latest hour of out going to press yesterday evening. The delay is easily accounted for by the storm on Monday, which prevented the Ice Boat crossing the Straits. (Ex 25 Dec p2 c4)

Jan Halifax Monday, Jan 13 – R. M. steamship “Falcon”, 4 days for St. John’s, N.L.[sic], via Sydney C B, 30 hours, reports “Bloater”, hence at St. Johns in 4 days ; “Chedabucto”, had also arrived ; the “Falcon” experienced intense cold weather in her passages up and down and fell in with immense quantities of ice in the vicinity of Cape Breton. (NS 21/01/1851 p23 #2)

Feb Halifax Friday Feb. 14 – … R. M. steamship “Falcon”, 3 ¾ days from St. Johns N F to S. Cunard & Co.; reports having met with immense quantities of ice on the passage up. (NS 17/02/1851 p55 #5)
Feb Halifax, arrived Thursday, Feb 6 – schr. “Visitor”, 21 days from Canso, reports a schr – supposed to be “Flora” from Newfoundland for Halifax – was seen in Liscomb Harbour on the 27th ult ; “Visitor” also reports having fell in with large quantities of ice on the coast. (NS 17/02/1851 p55 #4)

Mar Halifax, Sunday March 9 – R M Steamer “Falcon”, 4 days from St. Johns, N F, to Saml. Cunard and Co, ; reports arr. hence 2nd inst.; 3 1/4 days ; was off the harbour at 8 pm yesterday; had no detention from ice. (NS 17/03/1851 p87 #4)
Mar Halifax Wednesday March 26 – French Mail packet schr “F. L. Parkhurst” 8 days for, St. Pierre, NF., to Daniel Starr ; reports having been detained 6 days by ice; arr. hence in 6 days, 2 days in the ice. (NS 31/03/1851 p103 #5)
Mar 28 Dublin: “Elizabeth” arrived at Kingstown from St.John, NB, passed a great many icebergs between 57°W and 47°W. (LL).

Apr 4-21 Ship news Charlottetown- earliest ship entered April 4th from Canso, others April 21st, 24th, etc. Ships cleared April 19th for New York, others April 21st, etc. (Ex 5 May p3 c4)
Apr 27 The first vessel laden with grain from this port sailed yesterday bound for New York. (Ex 28 Apr p3 c3)