Dec 15 Yesterday the intensity of the cold was greater than any thing we have experienced this season. At eleven in the forenoon the thermometer stood at 3 below the cipher, and continued gradually to fall, until at one time during the night, it was as low as 6 below zero. This morning as far down as the Three Tides, the harbour presented nothing but one unbroken surface of ice; and some men crossed from the Ferry House on the opposite side of the Hillsborough to the Wharf…a man named Connelly, afterwards made the attempt by himself, but fell in when two thirds of the way across…York River also crossed on foot…Horses have crossed the Elliot River. (RG.C 16 Dec p3 c3)
Dec 25 …were returning home on the evening of Christmas Day, and that while on the ice, near the North Point, they were overtaken by a violent snow storm, in consequence of which they missed their way, and both fell through the ice. (RG.C 30 Dec p3 c3)

Feb 24 Last week’s mail has not yet arrived, although the weather has been in general equal and temperate. The delay has probably been occasioned by the ice in the Strait being in motion. (RG.C 24 Feb p4 c2)

Apr 23 “Harbour of Pictou was not open on the 23rd inst.” (NS 30/04/1835 p142 #4)
Apr 29 “The Am. brig “Aurora” from Boston for Pictou was detained at Canso by the ice on the 29th ult. “NS 06/05/1835 p117 #2) [page numbering mixed up]

May 1 “The brig “Hypolite” 13 days, from Antiqua, … bound to Quebec, put into Chedabucto Bay on the 1st inst. being prevented getting into Gut by the ice.” (NS 13/05/1835 p[129] #1)
May 6 “Beaufort” arrived at Quebec, saw 7 vessels detained in the ice 40m SSE of Cape Ray. (LL).
May 17 “George and Mary” abandoned in the ice off St. Paul’s Is., crew saved. (LL)
May 17 The “George & Mary” of London, foundered in the ice off St. Paul’s Island; all hands saved. (QM #64 Tuesday June 2 1835)
May 26 Barque “Doncaster” struck by the ice off Cape North and foundered, also next item with no date (Jun 20 issue): Brig “John and Mary” was lost in the ice between St. Paul’s and Cape Breton. [cf. May 17] (SCL).